A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Proverbs 25:11
Welcome to my little corner of the internet, I’m so glad you are here. Writing can be a lonely old thing so it’s nice to know people do read my ramblings sometimes.
This website began as a blog back when Blogspot was the ‘in’ thing. As a creative, writing has always been a tool for me to outwardly express what’s going on in my head and heart and my posts were often filled with unformed ideas, jumbled thoughts and streams of consciousness. The blog and subsequently this website have always been focussed on my faith in Jesus Christ and the outplaying of that in my life, in later years in ordained ministry. Back then it was wonderful to stumble into an online community that was supportive, loving and gently challenging.
When I first read the words from Proverbs 25:11, from which comes the name of this website, they really spoke to me. So often we use our words to wound and hurt, to criticise and tear down, rather than to encourage, build up or pour out love. I wanted my writing to be words that would bring life to those who read them and using that proverb as a focus, helps to remind me always to put Jesus and a compassionate approach at the centre of my writing. Clearly there are times I fall short of that, someone once told me that the Greek word for ‘frustration’ is the same as the word meaning ‘vision’ (though I’ve got to be honest I have never found any evidence of that) but that has enabled me to think about frustration as ‘A Good Thing’, that can be directed into seeking positivity and change.
In ministry life I’ve written about vocation and the discernment process in the Church of England, and my own experience as both an ordained woman and as a mum in ministry. In more recent years my focus has been in the area of outdoor worship and ecotheology. I’ve always felt a key ‘connection’ to God in nature in my own faith and this has littered my writing, but more recently this has become a focus in my ministry life too, so I’ve begun to include more of a focus of that here online. Recently I’ve undertaken an MA in Theology and Religious Studies which a focus on eco theology so there is now a smattering of, what I’m endeavouring to be, more academic content too.
On a more personal note, I’m a vicar in the Church of England, with 3 grown up kids, based in leafy Sussex. I spend as much time as I can by the coast, on the water, hiking on the South Downs, with my crazy and much loved Cocker Spaniel.
I do love to chat, so feel free to comment, it’s always good to discuss other people’s views so do join the conversation here or find me on social media…