Having been writing this ol’ blog for quite some time now there are a lot of posts – the easiest way to find something is to use the search option – see top right – and put in a key word or two. But just in case you want to read the whole lot from start to finish, it’s all here in date order, so knock yourselves out…
2025 • 2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010
2025 (5)
- February 2nd - Turning Point | Sermon for Candlemas (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (Candlemas, Light of the World, Repentence, trans rigths) (by Jules)
- January 31st - Why You Should Plan Your Own Funeral (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Uncategorized) (Planning your funeral) (by Jules)
- January 31st - Eco Trauma and the Wounds of Christ (0) (Eco Theology, Slider) (eco trauma, planetary eco trauma, wounds of Christ) (by Jules)
- January 5th - Sermon | Epiphany Wonder (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (epiphany, magi, sunrise, we three kings, wonder) (by Jules)
2024 (35)
- December 22nd - Advent 4 | Mary did you know? (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Magnificat, Mary, Mary did you know?) (by Jules)
- December 15th - Advent 3 | Sermon (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (advent, Advent 3, Gaudete Sunday, John the Baptist, joy) (by Jules)
- December 1st - Advent 1 | Sermon (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (advent, Christmas, Second coming) (by Jules)
- November 10th - The Alternative Remembrance Sermon (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Remembrance Sunday) (by Jules)
- November 3rd - Sermon | AlL Saints (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (All Saints, All Souls) (by Jules)
- October 27th - Sermon | Bartimaeus (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Bartimaeus, Mark 10, sermon) (by Jules)
- October 13th - Sermon | Gift Day (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (giving) (by Jules)
- September 29th - Sermon | Harvest (0) (Eco Theology, Sermons & Scripture) (Harvest, Harvest Festival) (by Jules)
- September 8th - Sermon | James 1 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (doubt, James 1) (by Jules)
- August 26th - Christ & Creation: Resurrection in Revelation (0) (Eco Theology, Sermons & Scripture) (Martyrs, Resurrection, Revelation) (by Jules)
- August 16th - Creation, Christology and John (0) (Christianity, Eco Theology, Sermons & Scripture) (Christ in creation, Christology, creation) (by Jules)
- August 11th - Sermon | Adoption in Christ (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Adoption in Christ, Ephesians 1, Inheritance) (by Jules)
- August 6th - Pride, Riots and Glitter (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (Brighton Pride, Diversity, glitter, love, Prayer, pride, transfiguration) (by Jules)
- July 26th - An intro to creation centred worship (0) (Outdoor Worship, Slider) (eco worship, nature) (by Jules)
- May 23rd - A Plea to Politicians (0) (Spoken Word) (General Election, politicians, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- May 20th - Pentecost | Midwife of the Holy Spirit (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Embodied theology, Midwife of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost) (by Jules)
- May 5th - Revelation Part 4 – A New creation? (0) (Eco Theology, Sermons & Scripture) (a new creation?, creation, renewed creation, Revelation 21, sermon) (by Jules)
- April 28th - Revelation 3 / Beasts and battles (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Beast, Dragon, Revelation 12, revelation 13, sermon) (by Jules)
- April 23rd - St George’s Day / Reflection (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (St George, St George's Day) (by Jules)
- April 21st - Revelation / Throne Room & the Lamb (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Revelation, Throne Room of God) (by Jules)
- April 14th - Revelation | Part 1 | Sermon (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Bible, Revelation, sermon) (by Jules)
- March 24th - Palm Sunday Spoken Word (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Spoken Word) (Palm Sunday, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- March 17th - The Time has Come / Sermon (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (John 12, Passion Sunday, The hour has come) (by Jules)
- March 10th - Mother God (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (God as Mother, Mothering Sunday) (by Jules)
2023 (18)
- July 10th - Sea Sunday (0) (Slider, Spoken Word) (creation, Creator, poetry, Sea Sunday, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- June 11th - Sermon | Exploring the Old Testament (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Old Testament, The Bible) (by Jules)
- April 30th - Sermon | Acts 2 Pt 2 (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Acts 2, Evangelism, growing the church) (by Jules)
- April 28th - Sermon | Acts 2 Pt 1 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Acts 2, Early church, Evangelism) (by Jules)
- April 2nd - Palm Sunday | 60 Second Sermon (1) (Sermons & Scripture, Spoken Word) (60 second sermon, Palm Sunday, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- March 26th - Sermon | Discipleship (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Acts 2, COmmunion, Discipleship, Great Commission, Matthew 28) (by Jules)
- March 12th - Half The Church (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Felicity and Perpetua, international womens day, Jackie Pullinger, Kathryn Kulman, Women) (by Jules)
- March 6th - Healing | Sermon for Lent 2 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Healing) (by Jules)
- February 27th - Lent 1 | sermon (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Identity in Christ, Lent, Lent1, sermon) (by Jules)
- February 6th - What is Truth? (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (John 18, Pilate, What is truth?) (by Jules)
- January 22nd - The Heart Of The Gospel (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (John 18, sermon, thanksgiving) (by Jules)
- January 16th - Creation & Worship (0) (Eco Theology, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (climate change, creation, littering, worship) (by Jules)
- January 5th - Christmas Sermons (0) (Uncategorized) (carol service, Christmas, Christmas Sermon, christmas services, Midnight Mass, nativity) (by Jules)
2022 (29)
- December 12th - Sermon | Advent 3 (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (advent, Advent 3, John the Baptist) (by Jules)
- November 27th - Sermon | Advent 1 (0) (Uncategorized) (advent, Advent 1, Baptisms, sermon) (by Jules)
- November 15th - Sermon | Remembrance (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (John 14, Remembrance Sunday) (by Jules)
- November 7th - Sermon | Love is a witness (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (John 13, love one another) (by Jules)
- October 2nd - Harvest In a Time of Drought (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (austerity, cost of living, Harvest, John's Gospel, sermon) (by Jules)
- September 12th - Sermon | extravagance (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (extravagance, Women who anointed Jesus) (by Jules)
- September 4th - Sermon | All about John (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Gift Day, giving, John's Gospel) (by Jules)
- August 28th - Sermon | God’s table (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Amazing Grace, God's Table, Kingdom of God, Luke 14) (by Jules)
- August 21st - 6o second sermon | Seek Gaze Dwell (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider, Spoken Word) (creation, poetry, presence of God, Psalm 27, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- August 14th - Sermon | Prince of Peace? (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Hebrews 12, Luke 12, Prince of Peace) (by Jules)
- August 7th - Sermon : Faith & Vision (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Faith, Hebrews 11, vision) (by Jules)
- July 31st - Sermon : Our Heritage And Our Future (1) (Sermons & Scripture) (Psalm 27, The Great Commission, vision) (by Jules)
- July 24th - Sermon : Hosea, Grace & Inclusivity. (3) (Sermons & Scripture) (grace, Hosea, Inclusive Church, Inclusivity) (by Jules)
- June 19th - Sermon – Father God (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Adopted into God's family, Father's Day, God as Father) (by Jules)
- June 12th - Trinity Sunday Sermon (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Father Son and Holy Spirit, The Trinity, Trinity Sunday) (by Jules)
- May 8th - Vision 3 : What’s love got to do With it? (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (community, love God, Love your neighbour, vision) (by Jules)
- May 1st - What is vision? (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Hearing from God, Moses, Spirit, vision) (by Jules)
- April 24th - Vision 1 – sermon (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (Acts 2, Ekklesia, vision) (by Jules)
- April 22nd - Easter Sunday sermon (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Easter Sunday, Resurrection, truth) (by Jules)
- April 14th - Maundy Thursday (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Foot washing, Holy Week, Jesus as servant, Maundy Thursday) (by Jules)
- March 27th - Sermon: Prodigal Son (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Luke 15, Prodigal Daughter, Prodigal Son, sermon) (by Jules)
- March 27th - ProdiGal Daughter (1) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider, Spoken Word) (Mothering Sunday, Prodigal Daughter) (by Jules)
- March 6th - What do we need saving from? (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Psalm 91, salvation) (by Jules)
- February 28th - Unveiling ourselves (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (God's glory, Moses, sermon, transfiguration) (by Jules)
- February 20th - Sermon | creation & faith (0) (Eco Theology, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (creation, Jesus calms a storm, Luke 8) (by Jules)
2021 (6)
- November 18th - ‘Unveiled’ book review (0) (Book Reviews) (Biblical Women, Book Review, Clare Hayns, Micah Hayns, Unveiled, Women of the Old Testament) (by Jules)
- August 24th - Women in leadership (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (Female Priests, Priesthood, Women in leadership, women's ordination) (by Jules)
- February 20th - Breaking the Mould – A Year On (0) (Ministry Mum) (breaking the mould, female clergy, ministry mum, mum life, women in ministry, working mum) (by Jules)
- February 8th - Numinous (0) (Christianity, Slider) (creation, God's creation, Paddleboarding, SUP, The Creator) (by Jules)
- January 5th - A New Year (0) (Spoken Word) (A NEW YEAR, hope, New Year's Eve, New Years DAY) (by Jules)
2020 (32)
- December 6th - Advent hope (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Spoken Word) (advent, BBC Sussex, hope) (by Jules)
- November 9th - Being Reverend by Matt Woodcock – Book Review (0) (Book Reviews, Church of England & Ministry) (Being Reverend, Matt Woodcock, ministry dad) (by Jules)
- October 22nd - Free school meals (0) (Christianity) (Benefits, Food banks, food poverty, Free School Meals, Universal Credit) (by Jules)
- October 12th - On being spiritually resilient when the sh*t hits the fan (4) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Faith, mental health, Prayer, Spiritual resilience) (by Jules)
- October 5th - Life is like someone’s licked all the chocolate off my biscuit (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Biscuit theology, creativity, Ministry Life, pandemic, Self care) (by Jules)
- June 22nd - Lockdown Vocation (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Slider) (#VicarsLife, lockdown) (by Jules)
- June 12th - Online bap – what to expect (4) (Church of England & Ministry, Slider, Vocation) (BAP, Church of England Selection, Vocation) (by Jules)
- May 30th - imagine | spoken word for pentecost (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider, Spoken Word) (Pentecost, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- May 19th - Re-Beating the Bounds | Rogationtide 2020 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer, Slider) (Prayer, rogation) (by Jules)
- May 18th - Enough? Parenting during the pandemic (1) (Book Reviews, Ministry Mum, Slider) (by Jules)
- May 11th - Pandemic Psalm 2: escape (0) (Slider, Spoken Word) (pandemic, psalm 23, Psalm 63, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- May 9th - Members only? hardly. (3) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Slider) (Church of England, deacons, lockdown) (by Jules)
- May 5th - Deborah & Jael | book review (0) (Ministry Mum, Slider) (Deborah & Jael, Lucy Rycroft) (by Jules)
- May 3rd - Vocations Sunday (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Vocation) (breaking the mould, Calling, Vocation, Vocations Sunday) (by Jules)
- April 10th - Good Friday Thoughts (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Slider) (Easter, Good Friday) (by Jules)
- April 1st - Holy Week reflections resource (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (Easter, Holy Week, Palm Sunday, reflections) (by Jules)
- March 22nd - How to pray (0) (Prayer, Slider) (How to Pray, National Day of Pray, Prayer, Praying for the nation) (by Jules)
- March 19th - Spiritual Resources to use with children (1) (Ministry Mum, Sermons & Scripture) (children and the bible, spiritual resources for the family) (by Jules)
- March 19th - Colouring Sheets (2) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (colouring sheets, Prayer doodling, scripture) (by Jules)
- March 17th - Spiritual resources to use at home (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (coronavirus, Spiritual resources, worship at home) (by Jules)
- March 14th - new guidance for family friendly policies (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Uncategorized) (Church of England, clergy parents, maternity guidance, ministry dad, ministry mum) (by Jules)
- March 10th - a breath of fresh air? (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Uncategorized) (female preacher, female prophetic voice, ministry mum, women in ministry) (by Jules)
- February 28th - Manifesto for Lent (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (Ash Wednesday, climate change, creation, Lent, repentance) (by Jules)
- February 17th - Ministry Mum panel (0) (Ministry Mum, Slider) (Baptist Church, book launch vocation, breaking the mould, Church of England, ministry mum, Ministry parent, URC church) (by Jules)
- January 12th - Epiphany light (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider, Writing) (epiphany, New Year's Resolutions, poetry) (by Jules)
2019 (24)
- December 31st - 10 years (1) (Christianity, Curate's Life, Ministry Mum, Slider) (2019, Testimony) (by Jules)
- December 9th - Manifesto for humanity (0) (Christianity, Slider) (Christian Politics, election, General Election, UK election) (by Jules)
- November 14th - Clergy Wellbeing (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Slider) (clergy, clergy wellbeing) (by Jules)
- November 12th - stretching our wings (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Vocation) (#NWLW19, female leadership, New Wine, women in ministry) (by Jules)
- November 2nd - Young, female & called (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Ministry Mum, Vocation) (by Jules)
- April 22nd - What is truth? (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (Easter Sunday, preach, sermon, truth, What is truth?) (by Jules)
- April 20th - Holy Week Reflections | Holy Saturday (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Saturday, Holy Week) (by Jules)
- April 19th - Holy Week Reflections | Good Friday (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week, sacrifice) (by Jules)
- April 18th - Holy Week Reflections | Maundy Thursday (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week) (by Jules)
- April 17th - Holy Week Reflections | Wednesday (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week) (by Jules)
- April 16th - Palm Sunday (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Easter, Holy Week, Palm Sunday, sermon) (by Jules)
- April 16th - Holy Week | Tuesday (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week) (by Jules)
- April 15th - Holy Week Reflections | Monday (0) (Christianity) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week) (by Jules)
- April 14th - Holy Week Reflections | Palm Sunday (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Holy Week Reflections Easter, Palm Sunday, Triumph) (by Jules)
- April 13th - Holy Week Reflections 2019 (1) (Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week, Holy Week Reflections 2019) (by Jules)
- April 7th - #OurHolyWeek (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Slider) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week) (by Jules)
- March 24th - The Greatest Deal (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (grace, Psalm 61, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- March 11th - #JustAPriest25 Press Release (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Vocation) (#JustAPriest25, female clergy, ordination, Vocation, women in ministry) (by Jules)
- March 2nd - #JustAPriest25 (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum) (#JustAPriest25, ordination, Priesthood) (by Jules)
- February 22nd - Giles Fraser, Brexit & Family (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (care for the elderly, Giles Fraser) (by Jules)
- February 14th - Love Is… (0) (Christianity) (God is Love, Jesus, love, Love Is, Valentine's Day) (by Jules)
- February 10th - Captivated by… (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Vocation) (Calling, David's calling, King David, Samuel, Vocation) (by Jules)
2018 (32)
- December 21st - Ministry Mum News (3) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum) (#CuratesLife, #VicarsLife, Author, ministry mum, SPCK) (by Jules)
- December 10th - The Best Gift of All (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (advent, Christmas, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- November 26th - Unequal Weights (0) (Ministry Mum) (clergy mum, Inequality, ministry, ministry mum, motherhood, Psalm 91) (by Jules)
- November 14th - Advent Resources (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Sermons & Scripture) (advent, Advent Resources, Art of Advent, Christmas, hope, Waiting) (by Jules)
- November 12th - Esther (3) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Book of Esther, Esther, Jesus, Ordinary Hero) (by Jules)
- November 6th - Book Review / Psalms by Simon Stocks (0) (Book Reviews) (Book Review, Psalms, Simon Stocks) (by Jules)
- November 4th - Preach / Rahab / Ordinary Hero (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Heroes of faith, Joshua 2, ordinary heroes, Rahab) (by Jules)
- November 2nd - Experiencing the holy (3) (Christianity) (Antoni Gaudí, Barcelona, God, Holiness, Holy Family, Sagrada Familia) (by Jules)
- October 24th - Preach / Revelation 20 (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (1 John 4, gods love, judgement, preach, Revelation 20, sermon) (by Jules)
- October 17th - Preach / Ordinary heroes (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Baptisms, Hebrews 11, Hebrews 12, Heroes of faith, Jesus, Testimony) (by Jules)
- October 8th - Preach / Lord’s Prayer / Forgiveness (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Corrie Ten Boom, Forgiveness, Jesus, Lords prayer, Nadia Bolz Weber) (by Jules)
- October 8th - Preach / Revelation 20 (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Book of Life, eternal life, heaven, Jesus, judgement, Revelation, Revelation 20) (by Jules)
- September 8th - Fairytale communication (2) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Apples of Gold, communication, grace, Jesus, poem, Proverbs 25:11, Solomon, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- August 22nd - A short story about working-mumdom (3) (Curate's Life, Ministry Mum) (childcare, ministry mum, mum in ministry, pressroom, summer holidays, teenagers, working mum, Working parent) (by Jules)
- August 1st - Preach // Acts 9:32-43 The Ordinary and the Extraordinary // Healing Service (1) (Sermons & Scripture) (Acts 9, Aeneas, Dorcas, Healing, Peter, pressroom, Tabitha) (by Jules)
- July 26th - Preach // 1 John 2:18-27 (2) (Sermons & Scripture) (1 John, anti christ, love island, preach, pressroom, sermon) (by Jules)
- June 23rd - Young Vocations Guest Post Series // 4 Hannah Barr (0) (Vocation) (BAP, Church of England, discernment process, Hannah Barr, ordination, pressroom, Vocation, Young vocations) (by Jules)
- June 22nd - Young Vocations Guest Post Series // 3 Taylor Carey (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Vocation) (discernment process, Taylor Carey, Vocations, Westcott House, Young vocations) (by Jules)
- June 21st - Young Vocations Guest Post Series // 2 Jen Green (0) (Christianity, Vocation) (Church of England, discernment process, Jen Green, Vocations, Young vocations) (by Jules)
- June 20th - Young Vocations Guest Post Series // 1 Ben Williams (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Vocation) (Ben Williams, Church of England, discernment process, ordination, Vocations, Young vocations) (by Jules)
- May 21st - How your church can respond to ‘THAT’ sermon – some top tips! (5) (Mission & Evangelism) (Bishop Michael Curry, Mission, reaching your community, Royal Wedding, Royal Wedding sermon) (by Jules)
- May 21st - Inspired by Bishop Michael at the Royal Wedding? Want to know more? read on… (2) (Mission & Evangelism) (Bishop Michael Curry, Jesus, Redemptive Love, Royal Wedding sermon) (by Jules)
- April 24th - Book Review // Revelation Commentary by Ian Paul (2) (Book Reviews, Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Commentary, Ian Paul, IVP, Revelation, SPCK, The Bible, Tyndall Commentaries) (by Jules)
- April 23rd - Preach // Revelation 3 // Letter to the church at Laodecia // “lukewarm vomit” (1) (Sermons & Scripture) (Laodecia, lukewarm faith, Revelation) (by Jules)
- April 21st - Easter Sunday Preach // John 20 & Romans 8 // Get real! (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, Brother Yun, Darrell Tunningley, Easter Sunday, Jackie Pullinger, Jesus, John Wesley, the Gospel, The Heavenly Man) (by Jules)
- April 21st - Preach // Poverty // The Canaanite Woman (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Canaanite woman, Church Action on Poverty, homelessness, Matthew 15, poverty) (by Jules)
- April 21st - Preach // 10 Commandments // you shall not steal // are we stealing from God? (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, 10 commandments, Luke 19, stealing, Stealing from God, Zaccheus) (by Jules)
- April 3rd - In defence of the church – a response to Simon Jenkins… (14) (Church of England & Ministry) (Church and state, Church in the community, Love in Action, Simon Jenkins) (by Jules)
- March 12th - PREACH // 10 Commandments – You Shall Not Commit Adultery / Attitudes towards sex in our society (1) (Sermons & Scripture) (10 commandments, 2 Samuel 11, Adultery, Attitudes towards sex in society, David & Bathsheba, Just 10., Sex, sex used to sell products, You shall not commit adultery) (by Jules)
- March 5th - Ministerial Training // Residential vs Regional, yet again… (13) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Church of England, Ministerial Training) (by Jules)
- January 29th - 10 Commandments Intro / preach / 28th Jan 18 (0) (Christianity) (10 commandments, 1st Commandment, J John, Jesus, Just 10., You shall have no other God's before me) (by Jules)
2017 (44)
- December 5th - Newbie Clergy Tax Tips (4) (Christianity, Curate's Life) (Clergy Tax, Curate's Journey, tax credits) (by Jules)
- December 1st - Christmas Videos Resource (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (christmas services, Christmas Videos, nativity, Videos for church) (by Jules)
- November 20th - Advent Scriptures Resource (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (advent, Advent Calendar, Advent Scriptures Resource, Christmas Scriptures, The Christmas Story) (by Jules)
- November 16th - Preach / Eco theme / Genesis 1 / 29th Oct 2017 ‘ And God Saw That is Was good’ (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (being eco, caring for creation, climate change, creation, Eco, eco church, eco-friendly, Genesis 1, Landfill, light pollution, Palm Oil, plastic waste, pollution, Toxic pollution) (by Jules)
- November 13th - Preach / Remembrance / James 3 / Power of The Word (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, James 3, Remembrance Day, The Word, Wartime letters) (by Jules)
- November 11th - Journal give away! (13) (Book Reviews, Prayer) (Bible, Carol Petley, Giveaway, Prayer Journal, Prayer journalling, SPCK) (by Jules)
- October 3rd - In celebration of a table (4) (Christianity) (gift from God, kitchen table) (by Jules)
- October 2nd - Preach // Being Mentally Transformed // Psalm 6 (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (emotional health, mental health, mental illness, Psalm 6) (by Jules)
- September 25th - Preach // Emotionally Transformed // Psalm 139 // (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (emotional health, mental health, Psalm 139) (by Jules)
- September 10th - A tough morning… (1) (Christianity, Curate's Life, Sermons & Scripture) (Curate's Journey, God's unfailing love, insignificance, James 1, pain, preaching, suffering) (by Jules)
- September 10th - Preach // Trials and Temptations // James 1 (0) (Christianity) (James, Temptation, Tom Wright, Trials, Where is God in the tough times) (by Jules)
- September 8th - Top 10 Tips for Starting Ordination Training // Guest Post (3) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Andrew Avramenko, Church of England, Ordinand, ordination training, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- September 4th - PREACH // Spiritual Transformation (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Vocation) (Ephesians 4, Shane Taylor, spiritual transformation, spiritual world, Spirituality, Testimony) (by Jules)
- August 8th - The Guilt Battle (4) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum) (Being a working mum, clergy mum, Egalitarian, Junia Project, The Guilt Battle, working family, working parents) (by Jules)
- July 6th - Home – Jo Swinney // Book Review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Book Review, Home, identity, Jo Swinney, King David) (by Jules)
- June 26th - Preach // Healing // Spiritual Gifts // John 9 (1) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (1 Corinthians 12, Healing, John 9, Randy Clark, spiritual gifts) (by Jules)
- June 14th - The alternative priestly post (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (Chichester Cathedral, God's sense of humour, new Priest, Priesting, silent retreat) (by Jules)
- June 12th - A Priesting prayer. ( Or just some rambling thoughts…) (4) (Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Prayer) (affirmation, Church of England, Priest, Priesting, Psalm 139, self worth) (by Jules)
- May 29th - Surviving the first year of curacy (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Ministry Mum, Vocation) (#NewRev, Curacy, Deacon's Year, ordination, The Curate's Journey) (by Jules)
- May 29th - Preach // 28th May 2017 // 6.30 TRINITY Church // Witness (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Acts 1:8, Evangelism, Forrest Gump, Mission, Witness) (by Jules)
- May 17th - Ministerial training in the Church of England: A Round Up (0) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, Ministerial Training) (by Jules)
- May 4th - Run with perseverance (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Hebrews 12, perseverance, recovery, running, spinal surgery) (by Jules)
- May 2nd - There are many complex reasons why people go to food banks // Guest post from Jane Perry (4) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Emergency Use Only report, food poverty, foodbanks, Jane Perry, Teresa May) (by Jules)
- April 24th - Hidden Beauty (2) (Christianity, Curate's Life) (apple tree, gardening, God the gardener, Hidden beauty, Nourish) (by Jules)
- April 15th - Holy Week Reflection 7 // Holy Saturday (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Holy Saturday, Holy Week, Holy Week Reflection, Jesus, Prayer, The Crucifixion) (by Jules)
- April 14th - Holy Week Reflection 6 // Good Friday (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Good Friday, Holy Week, Holy Week Reflection, Jesus, Prayer, The Crucifixion) (by Jules)
- April 13th - Holy Week Reflection 5 // Maundy Thursday (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Holy Week, Holy Week Reflection, Jesus, Maundy Thursday, Prayer, The Crucifixion) (by Jules)
- April 12th - Holy Week Reflection 4 // Wednesday (1) (Christianity) (Holy Week, Holy Week Reflection, Jesus, Prayer, The Crucifixion) (by Jules)
- April 11th - Holy Week Reflection 3 // Tuesday (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Holy Week, Holy Week Reflection, Jesus, Prayer, The Crucifixion) (by Jules)
- April 10th - Holy Week Reflection 2 // Monday (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Holy Week, Holy Week Reflection, Jesus, Prayer, The Crucifixion) (by Jules)
- April 9th - Preach // Palm Sunday 2017 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Palm Sunday, preach, sermon, Triumphal entry) (by Jules)
- April 9th - Holy Week Reflection 1 // Palm Sunday (0) (Christianity) (Holy Week reflections, Prayer, The Crucifixion) (by Jules)
- April 8th - Holy Week Reflection Resources (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Crucifixion, Holy Week, Holy Week Reflection Resources, Prayer, reflection) (by Jules)
- March 14th - Vocation & Discernment in the CofE (4) (Christianity, Vocation) (Church of England, Church Times, discernment process, ordination training, Vicar School, Vocation) (by Jules)
- February 27th - Preach // 26th Feb 2017 / Galatians 5 ‘Living by the Spirit’ (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (being led by the Holy Spirit, fruit of the spirit, Galatians 5, Holy Spirit, preach) (by Jules)
- February 20th - Book Review // Songs for Suffering by Simon Stocks (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity, Prayer) (Lament, Prayer, Psalms, Simon Stocks, Songs for Suffering, suffering) (by Jules)
- February 4th - ‘Top Tips’ for clergy work-life balance in families… (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Ministry Mum) (Clergy Mummies, clergy work life balance, women in ministry, working Mums) (by Jules)
- February 3rd - Challenging clergy work-life balance (11) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Ministry Mum) (Challenging clergy work-life balance, clergy mum, Curacy, Curate, EU working Time Directive, New Rev, work life balance, working mum) (by Jules)
- January 21st - Seeking the truth in love (1) (Christianity) (Donald Trump, Jesus, love, Movement of Love, post truth, truth) (by Jules)
- January 21st - Preach // ‘Come Follow Me’ // 20th Jan 2017 (0) (Christianity) (#bgbg2, Come follow Me, identity, Matthew, self image, truth) (by Jules)
- January 9th - NOURISH // One Word for 2017 (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, 2 Peter, New Year's Resolutions, Nourish, Nourishment, Working Mother) (by Jules)
- January 2nd - More on Marriage, Motherhood & Ministry // The guilt factor (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Ministry Mum, Sermons & Scripture) (Clergy Mummies, feminism, women in ministry, working Mums) (by Jules)
2016 (79)
- December 31st - The Blog Year in Review // 2016 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Vocation, Writing) (best posts of 2016, Blog Review, blogging 2016) (by Jules)
- December 20th - Christmas as a Curate (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Vocation) (Christmas, Curacy, Curate, Working Christmas) (by Jules)
- December 19th - JOY // Guest post from Ben Hollebon (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, Ben Hollebon, Church of England, film making, joy) (by Jules)
- December 5th - Preach / / Service of Remembrance / / 4th Dec 2016 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (bereavement, God is a refuge, God is a strength, God is ever present, grief, preach, Psalm 46, sermon, sorrow) (by Jules)
- November 30th - Book Review // ‘Cross the Line’ (1) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Cross the Line, faith in football, Football, footballers, Kaka, Liam Flint, Ollie Baines, SPCK) (by Jules)
- November 23rd - PREACH // John 20:1-18 / Mary Magdalene & the transforming power of Jesus (1) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, encountering Jesus, Evangelism, John's Gospel, Mary Magdalene, preach, sermon) (by Jules)
- November 21st - JOY // Guest post by Amanda Robbie (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, #OneWord365, Amanda Robbie, joy, Psalm 126, The Vicar's Wife) (by Jules)
- November 17th - Marriage, Motherhood and Ministry (9) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum) (#NewRev, clergy mum, Curacy, ordained ministry, rhythm of life, work life balance, working mum) (by Jules)
- November 14th - THANK YOU! (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Writing) (#PremDAC16, blogging, Christian blogger, church leadership, Church of England, Premier Digital Awards, Social Media) (by Jules)
- November 11th - Biblical interpretation and the US Election (1) (Christianity) (Biblical interpretation and the US Election, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, President of the USA, US Election) (by Jules)
- November 3rd - ‘Becoming Reverend’ by Matt Woodcock // Book review (1) (Book Reviews, Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Becoming Reverend, Book Review, IVF, Matt Woodcock, ordination training) (by Jules)
- October 25th - Joy Guest post from Ros Clarke // ‘The Enemies of Joy’ (2) (Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, Dr Ros Clarke, joy, Online Pastor, Rejoice in the Lord) (by Jules)
- October 24th - PREACH // Daniel 3: ‘Three Friends Trust’ // 23 Oct 2016 (0) (Christianity) (#bgbg2, Abednego, Daniel 3, Faith, Jesus, Mesach, sermon, Shadrach, Trust) (by Jules)
- October 17th - Dog Collar Dilemma Pt 3 // guest post by Revd Sandra Sykes (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (clergy wear, clerical collar, Collared, Dog collars, Revd. Sandra Sykes, women in ministry) (by Jules)
- October 14th - Bikinis, braces and vanity (3) (Christianity) (Bikinis, braces, Child of God, identity, vanity) (by Jules)
- October 10th - Preach // John 18: 1-14 // The Kingdom Contrast (0) (Christianity) (#bgbg2, Bible Gateway Bloggers, John 18, Judas, s, The Kingdom Contrast) (by Jules)
- October 9th - Preach // 9/10/16 Folk Festival Evensong // God in music (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, 2 Chronicles 5, Folk Festival, music, Music as worship) (by Jules)
- October 6th - Book Review // Rhythms of Rest (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Book Review, rest, Rhythms of Rest, sabbath, Selah, Shelly Miller) (by Jules)
- October 5th - Dog Collar Dilemma Part 2: Uniform vs Individual Style (10) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (clerical collar, Curate's Journey, Dog Collar, Dog Collar Dilemma: women's clericals - what on earth to wear?, female clerical attire, how to rock your dog collar, women in ministry) (by Jules)
- October 3rd - Harvest All Age Resource // Faithfulness (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (all age service, God's Faithfulness, God's Provision, Harvest, Harvest Festival, Rainbow, Sharing) (by Jules)
- September 30th - Dog Collar Dilemma: women’s clericals – what on earth to wear?! (17) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (clerical collar, Curate's Journey, Dog Collar, Dog Collar Dilemma: women's clericals - what on earth to wear?, female clerical attire, how to rock your dog collar, women in ministry) (by Jules)
- September 19th - JOY guest post // Naomi McBain (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Guest post, Habakkuk 3:18, joy, Naomi McBain) (by Jules)
- September 8th - Top Tips for starting #VicarSchool (8) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (#VicarSchool, Church of England, Ministerial Training, Ordinands, Theological college, Top Tops for starting #VicarSchool) (by Jules)
- September 5th - Preach // John 17:6-19 // Standing in the Gap (1) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (DL Moody, Interceding, Intercessory prayer, Jesus, John 17, preach, sermon, Standing in the Gap) (by Jules)
- September 3rd - Calling, Vocation and Discernment (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Vocation) (BA, Calling, Church of England, Discernment, ministry, ordination, The Discernment Process, Vocation) (by Jules)
- August 26th - The Fragment // Book Review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Book Review, Davis Bunn, Marylebone House, SPCK, The Fragment, thriller) (by Jules)
- August 22nd - Surfing Curacy (6) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (#NewRevs, Curacy, surfing, The Curate's Journey) (by Jules)
- August 19th - ‘Still Emily’ book review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Emily Owen, hope, NF2, pain, Still Emily, suffering) (by Jules)
- August 15th - JOY // Guest Post from Katie Stock (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, joy, Katie Stock, Psalm 51, Theology Bee) (by Jules)
- August 9th - One Year On // Post Op (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (back pain, blessing, microdiskectomy, pain, prolapsed disk) (by Jules)
- July 25th - ‘I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son…’ // Preach 24/07/16 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, Apostles Creed, Bible Gateway Bloggers, Children of God, Jesus, John's Gospel, Son of God) (by Jules)
- July 20th - Joy // Guest Post from Jacqueline Peart (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, Jacqueline Peart, joy, Joy carriers, Joy quenchers, Maria Rodrigues, Nehemiah 8:10, Premier Radio) (by Jules)
- July 16th - Saturday Morning Musings… (0) (Christianity, Prayer) (Eu Referendum, Jesus, Nice, Prayer, State of the Nation, Turkey) (by Jules)
- July 2nd - Movement of Love (again) (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (1 Corinthians 13, love one another, Love your neighbour, Movement of Love) (by Jules)
- June 30th - Becoming a Revd… (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Sermons & Scripture) (deacon, Diocese of Chichester, ordination, ordination retreat, Psalm 91, SEITE, silent retreat) (by Jules)
- June 24th - Pre-ordination blur and making a stole (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (creativity, ordination, pre-ordination retreat, revelation 19, sewing, Wedding of the Lamb) (by Jules)
- June 20th - What Coldplay taught me about joy // guest post on JOY by Sam Hailes (1) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, Coldplay, joy, Sam Hailes) (by Jules)
- June 17th - #MovementOfLove (0) (Christianity) (#MovementOfLove, 1 Corinthians 13, Eu Referendum, Jo Cox, love, Love not Hate, Orlando Shooting, refugee crisis) (by Jules)
- June 14th - Reflecting over boxes… (0) (Christianity, Curate's Life) (Curacy, Curate's Journey, friendship, Lewes, Moving House, transition) (by Jules)
- June 13th - A Movement of Love | Preach 5th June 2016 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (1 Corinthians 13, God of Love, Jesus, love, Movement of Love, preach, Testimony, The Point Church) (by Jules)
- May 23rd - More Joy from God (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, Curacy, joy, Lewes, Words from God) (by Jules)
- May 20th - Ember Cards (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Prayer, Vocation) (Church of England, Curate's Journey, deacon, Ember cards, Ember days, Lords prayer, ordination, Prayer) (by Jules)
- May 19th - Naked Prayers // Book Review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity, Prayer) (depression, Faith, Mara Measor, mental illlness, Naked Prayers, Psalms, SPCK) (by Jules)
- May 16th - Guest Post on Joy // (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, abuse, Faith, Healing, Jesus, joy, survivor, Trust) (by Jules)
- May 13th - Thy Kingdom Come (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Prayer) (Colour Collective, Lords prayer, Prayer Doodle, Prayer doodling, Thy Kingdom Come) (by Jules)
- May 11th - The Battle… (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (emotions, leaving church, The Curate's Journey, transition) (by Jules)
- May 6th - My Armour (0) (Christianity, Curate's Life) (gods love, My Armour, Perfect love casts out fear, spiritual armour, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- May 2nd - Liturgy – what are we missing? (8) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (charismatic church, Church of England, Eucharist, formal liturgy, informal church, liturgy, reverence) (by Jules)
- April 25th - Inked… (8) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (is it ok for a Christian to get a tattoo?, Jesus, Levitical law, Selah, tattoos) (by Jules)
- April 22nd - Review of Grove booklet ‘Evangelical Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities’ by Ian Paul (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Book Review, Evangelical Leadership, Evangelical Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities, Grove books, Ian Paul) (by Jules)
- April 20th - Psalm 139 // Spoken Word (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Faith, pain, poetry, Psalm 139, Psalms, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
- April 18th - Where Joy Resides // Guest Post by Ali Campbell (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord, Ali Campbell, joy, Robert Louis Stevenson) (by Jules)
- April 17th - Preach // 2 Samuel 6 // Worship & God’s Presence (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (2 Samuel 6, Ark of the Covenant, God's presence, King David, worship) (by Jules)
- April 15th - Praying in tongues = praying through liturgy? (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (liturgy, Prayer, praying in tongues, Praying in tongues = praying through liturgy?) (by Jules)
- April 11th - Joy reminder… (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord, Choose joy, Henri Nouwen, joy) (by Jules)
- April 9th - Charismatic or liturgical encounter? (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (charismatic worship, Church of England, Eucharist, formal liturgy, Hillsong, liturgy, matt redman, Sacraments, worship) (by Jules)
- April 7th - Limbo // The Curate’s Journey (4) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Prayer) (Curate's Journey, In Limbo, ordination, Prayer) (by Jules)
- March 29th - The Well of The North Wind by Kenneth Steven // Book Review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Book of Kells, Book Review, Iona, Ireland, Kenneth Steven, Saint Columba, The Well of The North Wind) (by Jules)
- March 21st - Joy // Guest Post from Dave Lucas (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (Dave Lucas, Disability and Jesus, guide dogs, joy) (by Jules)
- March 16th - Praying for Parliament (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer) (Houses of Parliament, MPs, Prayer, Prayer for Parliament, praying for leaders, Praying for the nation, St Mary Undercroft Chapel) (by Jules)
- March 14th - Chronic pain or lingering blessing? (1) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (back pain, blessings in suffering, Chronic pain, Microdiscectomy, post op recovery, the gift of pain, Volte Face) (by Jules)
- March 7th - Being different and being relevant… (7) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, be transformed, In the world not of the world, John 17:19, Monday Blogs, Romans 12:2) (by Jules)
- March 2nd - Transitioning (3) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Church of England, Curacy, The Curate's Journey, Theological Training) (by Jules)
- February 25th - Inequality and Disillusionment (4) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (homelessness, Inequality, Les Miserables, poverty) (by Jules)
- February 22nd - Joy // Guest Post from James Prescott (5) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (#OneWord365, Guest post, James Prescott, joy) (by Jules)
- February 18th - MORE JOY (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, joy, Nehemiah 8:10, the joy of the Lord is my strength) (by Jules)
- February 17th - Big Brekkie Banter… (0) (Christianity) (#BigBrekkie, Big Brekkie Banter..., Christian Aid, Christian Aid Week) (by Jules)
- February 14th - A Movement of Love (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, Bible Gateway, compassion, loneliness, love, Love your neighbour as yourself, Matthew 22:39, Movement of Love, Valentine's Day) (by Jules)
- February 11th - The Curate’s Journey : The ‘O’ Word (9) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Church of England, Clerical wear, Curacy, Curate's Journey, ordination) (by Jules)
- February 7th - David & Honour // Preach on 1 Samuel 24 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, Bible Gateway, Culture of Honour, David, Honour, King David, prophecy, Prophets, Samuel, Saul, Shawn Bolz) (by Jules)
- February 6th - ‘Prayers on The Move’ App Review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) ('Prayers on The Move' App Review, #PrayersOnTheMove, Prayer, Prayers on the Move, Spirituality) (by Jules)
- February 3rd - What’s Your Vocation? (5) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Vocation) (#CofECalling #ChurchofEngland #Vocations, Calling, Church of England, DDO, discernment process, ministry, Vocations) (by Jules)
- February 1st - Repetition, Repetition, Repetition (7) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (charismatic worship, Christian formation, liturgical commission, liturgy, modern worship songs, Revelation 4:8) (by Jules)
- January 25th - Retreat Reflection (1) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (going on retreat, Psalm 63, rest, silence, silent retreat) (by Jules)
- January 17th - Fred (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, Age Concern, helping the poor, Jesus, loneliness, Matthew 25:40, older people) (by Jules)
- January 14th - The Curate’s Journey begins… (3) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Church of England, Curacy, Curate, discernment process, finding a title post) (by Jules)
- January 7th - Blogolution (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture, Writing) (blogging, Church of England, encouragement, Jesus, ministry, ordination) (by Jules)
- January 5th - One Word for 2016: JOY (2) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, fruit of the spirit, Galatians 5:22, Hebrews 12, joy, Nehemiah 8:10. the joy of the Lord, one word) (by Jules)
- January 3rd - Psalm 1 // All Age Service // resource (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (All age resource, gods love, Gods word, Prayer, Psalm 1, Rooted in God, Trust) (by Jules)
2015 (138)
- December 31st - Vulnerability & Isolation // Part 3 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, CFS, Fibromyalgia, isolation, ME, Philippians 4:12, vulnerability, wheelchair use) (by Jules)
- December 25th - Chocolate Nativity Story (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Sermons & Scripture) (All Age Nativity, Chocolate Nativity, Christmas Day Sermon, Mary & Joseph, nativity) (by Jules)
- December 22nd - The Sofa Nativity (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Christmas, Christmas Story, Nativity story, nativity video, The Sofa Nativity) (by Jules)
- December 20th - Presents of Love ? (Christianity) (Christmas, Christmas presents, Gift from Heaven, Gift of Love, Jesus, love) (by Jules)
- December 15th - Vulnerability & Isolation // Pt 2 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, getting to church at a difficult time, isolation, John 13:34-35, loving people, pain, pastoral care, vulnerability) (by Jules)
- December 12th - Vulnerability and Isolation // Pt 1 (2) (Christianity) (#bgbg2, getting to church at a difficult time, isolation, pain, pastoral care, Psalm 91, vulnerability) (by Jules)
- December 10th - Letters to my kids (0) (Christianity) (being a parent, facing surgery, parenting, what if something happens to me, writing to my kids) (by Jules)
- December 3rd - Advent Reflection (0) (Christianity) (advent, Advent Reflection, Chichester Diocese, Doctor Who, Mercy) (by Jules)
- December 2nd - Reconciliation // 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Vocation) (#bgbg2, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Reconciliation) (by Jules)
- November 23rd - Having a ‘Sound Portrait’ (0) (Christianity) (epiphany music group, Hearing God, Sound Portrait) (by Jules)
- November 22nd - Is Prayer Offensive? (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Church of England, Prayer, The Lords Prayer) (by Jules)
- November 20th - Creativity within… (0) (Prayer) (art, being creative, Creativity within..., music, painting, song writing) (by Jules)
- November 15th - Hashtag Prayers for a Heartbroken World… (4) (Christianity) (#PrayForParis, hashtag prayers, Prayer, why pray) (by Jules)
- November 13th - What’s in a name? (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, graffiti, identity, making a mark, name) (by Jules)
- November 10th - Selah (again) (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (creativity, relaxation, rest, sabbath, Selah, time to think) (by Jules)
- November 6th - Being you (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Being you, created, identity, Identity in Christ) (by Jules)
- October 31st - Is sharing your faith *actually* counter-productive? (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Christianity, Church of England, Evangelism, sharing faith, Talking Jesus) (by Jules)
- October 31st - #Write31Days Round Up (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 30th - Social Media & Mission (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Evangelism, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 29th - To Jesus or not to… (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Evangelism, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 28th - Funding for Mission (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Funding for Mission, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 27th - Moving from Prayer to Something (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 27th - The shame of self-promotion… (0) (Writing) (blogging, Self promotion, twitter, writing) (by Jules)
- October 26th - Out There (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 24th - Trust // Colour Collective (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (#ColourCollective, #Proverbs 3:5, creativity, Prayer doodling, Trust) (by Jules)
- October 24th - Where is ‘the church’ ? (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Cartoon, Dave Walker, Incarnational living, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Where is the church?) (by Jules)
- October 23rd - Resources for Mission & Outreach (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 22nd - Working ecumenically – a necessary challenge! (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Church unity, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships, Working ecumenically) (by Jules)
- October 21st - Church in a Pub… (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Church in a Pub, Church of England, ChurchLive, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 20th - ‘Out There’ report (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 19th - That Bishop’s Letter (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (Bishops Letter, Church of England, EU, John 13:34-35, love one another, migrants, Syrian Crisis, Syrian refugees, The good Samaritan) (by Jules)
- October 19th - What is Mission not? (6) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Church growth, Church of England, ChurchLive, Fresh Expressions, From Anecdote to Evidence, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 17th - Loving People (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 16th - Selah (0) (Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (#ColourCollective, Colour Collective, prayer drawing, Selah) (by Jules)
- October 16th - Really getting ‘Out There’ (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 15th - What’s Your Vision? (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Acts 13, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships, vision) (by Jules)
- October 14th - Being Transformed… (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Acts 13, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 13th - A Transforming Presence (2) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Acts 13, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships, Tom Wright) (by Jules)
- October 12th - ChurchLive // Reaching the Nations with Social Media! (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Church of England, ChurchLive, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 10th - Radical Transformation of Life? // Day 10 // #Write31Days (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Acts 13, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships, Tom Wright) (by Jules)
- October 9th - Clearing our rubbish… // #Write31Days // Day 9 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 8th - Foundations: Team // #Write31Days // Day 8 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Prayer, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 7th - Foundations: Relationships // #Write31Days // Day 7 (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, relationships) (by Jules)
- October 6th - Foundations: Love // #Write31Days // Day 6 (1) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities) (by Jules)
- October 5th - Foundations: Prayer // #Write31Days // Day 5 (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, power of prayer, Prayer) (by Jules)
- October 4th - Bless where you are // #Write31Days // Day 4 (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jeremiah 29:11, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities) (by Jules)
- October 3rd - Day 3 // #Write31Days // Being Incarnational (1) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture, Vocation) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Rediscovering Christianity, Vincent Donovan) (by Jules)
- October 2nd - Day 2 // #Write31Days // ‘Why be ‘out there’?’ (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities) (by Jules)
- October 1st - 31 days of ‘Out There’ : Loving one another with purpose… (1) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities) (by Jules)
- September 20th - Review of ‘Ransomed Soul’ by Dan Lank (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Dan Lank, Ransomed Soul) (by Jules)
- September 14th - Syria, what can YOU do? (0) (Christianity) (how to help syrian refugees, refugee crisis, Syria, Syrian refugees) (by Jules)
- September 14th - Parable of the tenants // Preach // 13th Sept 2015 (8) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (eternity, Heaven and hell, Luke 20, Parable of The tenants, Parables, salvation) (by Jules)
- September 10th - Post Godly Surgery #PostOp (0) (Christianity) (back pain, David's Tent, DT15, post op, surgery) (by Jules)
- September 7th - Review of the new Psalm App from the CofE (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#MyPsalm, Church of England, Psalm App, Psalms) (by Jules)
- September 6th - Shoreham (1) (Christianity) (community, gods love, Shoreham, Shoreham AirShow Accident) (by Jules)
- September 3rd - Imagining a mother’s loss #Syria (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (John 13:34, love one another, Prayer doodling, prayer drawing, Refugees, Syria, the boy on the beach) (by Jules)
- August 27th - Preach // The Philippian Jailor // Being Missional (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (he Philippian Jailor, Mission, preach, preaching, spiritual darkness, transformation) (by Jules)
- August 19th - Mission Resources (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (community outreach, Mission, mission resources, missional communities, missional projects, outreach) (by Jules)
- August 15th - Rooted deep.. (2) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Colossians 2:7, Deep, Faith) (by Jules)
- August 8th - Vicar School Update // Summer 2015 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Back injury, Canterbury, Church of England, discernment process, Jesus, Leeland, SEITE, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- August 4th - Trust. It’s a black or white thing… (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Prayer doodling, Psalm 56, Trust) (by Jules)
- July 31st - Colouring sheet // colour collective // creation (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (#colour_collective, Adult colouring, colouring sheet, creation, Genesis, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
- July 31st - Colouring Sheet and Meditation on Matthew 10:8 // Freely you have received (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Adult colouring, christian colouring, colouring sheet, Freely give, Matthew 10:8, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
- July 21st - Discovering Sabbath Rest (0) (Christianity) (back surgery, bees, God, new normal, recovery, rest, sabbath) (by Jules)
- July 17th - Bottles of Tears // Colouring Sheet and meditation (1) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (colouring for prayer, free colouring sheet, God collects our tears, Prayer doodling, Psalm 56) (by Jules)
- July 14th - Selfies of God… (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (in the image of God, instagram, more of you less of me, Psalm 139, self image, selfies, who we are in God) (by Jules)
- July 12th - Talk 12/7/15 // John 14 // Trust in God’s promises (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (God's promises, Jesus, John 14, tough times, Trust) (by Jules)
- July 11th - Back Update // Week 4 Post-Op (2) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (back surgery, Be still & know that I am God, John 3:21, microdiskectomy, Psalm 46, truth) (by Jules)
- July 10th - Be Still // Colouring Sheet (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Be Still, christian colouring, colouring for adults, colouring sheet, Psalm 46:10) (by Jules)
- July 5th - Moments of quiet glory (4) (Christianity) (Be Still and Know, Beauty of creation, moments, Psalm 46:10) (by Jules)
- July 2nd - Taste & See // Colouring Sheet (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Adult colouring, Christian Colouring Sheet, Psalm 34, taste and see that the Lord is good) (by Jules)
- June 29th - Miraculous Peace (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (1 Corinthians 10:31, back surgery, Jesus, John 14:27, peace, Psalm 91) (by Jules)
- June 28th - For I know the plans I have for you // Colouring Sheet (0) (Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (christian c, christian colouring, colouring for adults, colouring sheets, Jeremiah 29:11) (by Jules)
- June 26th - Colouring Sheet // Perfect Love Casts Out Fear (0) (Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (1 John 4:18, Adult colouring, christian colouring, Perfect love casts out fear) (by Jules)
- June 25th - The ‘Worship’ argument (5) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (charismatic worship, modern worship, praise to God, unity in the church, worship, Worship leaders) (by Jules)
- June 23rd - Quick back update (2) (Christianity) (back pain, microdiskectomy, prolapsed disk, surgery) (by Jules)
- June 23rd - Colouring Sheet / For the Glory of God (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (1 Corinthians 10:31, Adult colouring, colouring for Christians, prayer colouring, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
- June 21st - Colouring as prayer – 10 tips (1) (Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Adult colouring, colouring for Christians, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
- June 20th - More colouring // Song of Songs (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Adult colouring, Come Away with me, Prayer doodling, Song of Songs) (by Jules)
- June 17th - More Prayer Doodling (& a bit of colouring) (0) (Christianity, Prayer) (Adult colouring, Christian Colouring Sheet, colouring, colouring sheet, Jesus, John 13:34-35, Outrageous Love, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
- June 15th - Guest Post: Even If He Never Tells Me Why (4) (Christianity) (cerebral palsy, death of a child, Where is God?, Why Lord?) (by Jules)
- June 11th - Guest post: Death & Resurrection (2) (Christianity) (death, dying, grief, Guest post, Stephen Canning) (by Jules)
- June 10th - Under his wings.. (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Psalm 91, Under his wings) (by Jules)
- June 9th - A little bit of perspective (0) (Christianity) (perspective, seeing another view) (by Jules)
- June 5th - Two things… (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (back pain, Matthew 25, Thank you, Where is Jesus?) (by Jules)
- June 4th - God as Mother – Round Up (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Father God, Feminist Theology, God as Mother, Ian Paul, Rev Kate Bottley) (by Jules)
- June 3rd - Musical Interlude (0) (Christianity) (Jonathan David & Melissa Helser, Love Song) (by Jules)
- June 1st - Holy Spirit Creativity (2) (Christianity, Prayer) (being creative, Bezalel, creativity, gifts from God) (by Jules)
- May 30th - Spiritual Warfare – 10 top tips! (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Spiritual Attack, Spiritual Warfare) (by Jules)
- May 28th - Is there such a thing as a Christian Practice of Internet Use? (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Christian Internet Use, Social Media) (by Jules)
- May 14th - Is there such a thing as a Christian Practice of Internet Use? (3) (Uncategorized) (Christian Practices, Christians using the internet, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- May 12th - Some More Thoughts on Being in Pain (0) (Christianity) (back pain, Book of Job, Psalm 46) (by Jules)
- May 11th - Seeing God in the pain (2) (Uncategorized) (dealing with pain, pain, Psalm 73, seeking God in suffering) (by Jules)
- May 4th - Prayer Doodling Round Up (0) (Uncategorized) (Prayer, Prayer doodling, Praying in Colour) (by Jules)
- May 2nd - Methodist Covenant Prayer // Prayer Doodling (2) (Christianity, Uncategorized) (Methodist church, Methodist Covenant Prayer, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
- May 1st - It was never a dress…. (0) (Uncategorized) (Girl Power, Who Made Your Pants, Wonder Woman) (by Jules)
- April 24th - Using the Internet as a Spiritual Practice (3) (Uncategorized) (Christian Internet Use, Christian Practices, Spirituality) (by Jules)
- April 23rd - Some musings on ‘A Lot Like Eve’ by Joanna Jepson (1) (Uncategorized) (A Lot Like Eve, Joanna Jepson, women in the church) (by Jules)
- April 20th - Psalm 48 // Prayer Doodling (0) (Christianity, Uncategorized) (Prayer, Prayer doodling, Psalm 48, Psalms, Unfailing love) (by Jules)
- April 17th - Holy Saturday (0) (Uncategorized) (being in God's presence, Easter, Holy Saturday, The Altar, The Point Church) (by Jules)
- April 11th - Canterbury #VicarSchool (0) (Uncategorized) (Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- April 9th - Candlelit Pilgrimage in Canterbury Cathedral (3) (Uncategorized) (Candlelit Pilgrimage, Canterbury Cathedral, Thomas a Becket, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- April 9th - 3 min sermon of the Feeding of the 5000 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (feeding of the five thousand, John 6, preaching, sermon, short sermon, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- March 31st - Ezekiel 47 // New life from the heart of worship… (0) (Uncategorized) (being in God's presence, Ezekiel 47, Old Testament Prophets, prophecy, the body as a temple, worship) (by Jules)
- March 24th - Wisdom and the fear of the Lord. (2) (Uncategorized) (fear of the Lord, Jesus, Job, wisdom) (by Jules)
- March 21st - 140 Character Gospel (0) (Uncategorized) (communication, inspirational quotes, reaching people with the Gospel, sound bites, twitter) (by Jules)
- March 16th - The curious incident of the dead owl in the daytime (4) (Uncategorized) (God, Jesus, Kris Vallotton, owls, prophecy, wisdom) (by Jules)
- March 15th - Mothering Sunday, the joy and the pain. (0) (Uncategorized) (Mother's Day, Mothering Sunday) (by Jules)
- March 8th - God given moments… (0) (Uncategorized) (God given moments, Jeremiah 29:11, Making the most of every moment, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you) (by Jules)
- March 2nd - Grief and emotion in daily life (5) (Uncategorized) (emotions, grief, loss, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- February 28th - Blog birthday!! (0) (Uncategorized) (blog birthday, blogging, video log, vlogging) (by Jules)
- February 27th - Who can show us any good? (2) (Uncategorized) (bringers of good, goodness, Mission, Psalm 4, Psalms) (by Jules)
- February 23rd - Almost a blog birthday… (6) (Uncategorized) (21st Century women, blog birthday, called to ministry, Church of England, Church of England Selection, ordination, swearing, teachers, women bishops) (by Jules)
- February 12th - A day trip to Synod… (5) (Uncategorized) (Archbishop of Canterbury, Church of England, Evangelism, General Synod, Jesus) (by Jules)
- February 8th - Talk / 8th Feb 2015 // A Crippled Woman Meets Jesus // Luke 13:10-17 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (encountering Jesus, freedom, Jesus heals the crippled woman, Luke 13, preach) (by Jules)
- February 5th - Vicar School Update // Jan 2015 (1) (Uncategorized) (Aylesford Priory, hospital chaplaincy, SEITE, Vicar School Upate) (by Jules)
- February 1st - That Stephen Fry Interview… (2) (Uncategorized) (Evil, illness, RTE interview, Stephen Fry, Stephen Fry on God, suffering) (by Jules)
- January 30th - Musical Interlude // ‘I Can Feel You’, Bethel, Tides (0) (Uncategorized) (Bethel, I can Feel you, Jenn Johnson, Jesus, presence of God, Tides) (by Jules)
- January 25th - On being 40… (0) (Uncategorized) (10 things, being 40, birthdays, getting older, middle age, wrinkles) (by Jules)
- January 16th - Feeling useless… (1) (Uncategorized) (depression, mental health, Prayer, supporting someone with depression) (by Jules)
- January 10th - A Commitment… (1) (Uncategorized) (Committing to Jesus, giving in to God, Jesus, lyrics, poetry) (by Jules)
- January 9th - The power of an unknown prayer… (3) (Christianity, Uncategorized) (God, Healing, Healing a marriage., Jesus, marriage problems, Prayer) (by Jules)
- January 4th - Reading the paper as a Spiritual Exercise, Part 2 : The Red tops (4) (Uncategorized) (No more Page 3, Page 3, reading the paper as a spiritual exercise, The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, The Sun, Top selling newspapers 2014, Vicar School) (by Jules)
2014 (49)
- December 29th - Reading the paper as a spiritual exercise… (3) (Uncategorized) (Daily Mail, Newspapers, Spiritual Discipline, Spirituality) (by Jules)
- December 14th - Residential vs Regional: Training in the Church of England // A Mixed view! (1) (Uncategorized, Vocation) (Church of England, Cuddesdon, Ministerial Training, Ripon College, SEITE) (by Jules)
- December 12th - Residential vs Regional: Ministerial Training in the Church of England: A Residential View Part 2 (0) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, Cuddesdon, Ministerial Training, regional training, residential training) (by Jules)
- December 10th - Residential vs Regional: Ministerial Training in the Church of England: A Residential View (2) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, Ministerial Training, Oak Hill College, regional training, residential training) (by Jules)
- December 6th - Residential vs Regional: Training in the Church of England (0) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, Ministerial Training, regional training, residential training, SEITE) (by Jules)
- November 20th - The power of a word from God (4) (Uncategorized) (meeting God, Prayer, prophecy, woman at the well, words of knowledge) (by Jules)
- November 16th - The Storm Meets Jesus / Luke 8:22-25 // Talk 16/11/14 The Point Church (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (Fix your eyes on Jesus, Jesus Calms The Storm, Luke 8: 22-25, preaching, The Point Church, The Storm Meets Jesus) (by Jules)
- November 14th - Share the Hope (0) (Uncategorized) (advent, Christmas, Church of England, hope, Share the Hope) (by Jules)
- November 3rd - #CNMAC14 – Otherwise known as The Christian New Media Awards & Conference (2) (Uncategorized) (#CNMAC14, Christian New Media, social media and the church) (by Jules)
- October 26th - Saving the Church of England (5) (Uncategorized) (Church growth, Church of England, Declining church) (by Jules)
- October 18th - Encouraging the Spirituality of Children (0) (Uncategorized) (children encountering God, seeing angels, spirituality in children, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- October 14th - Talk // Parable of the Wedding Banquet // All Age // 9/10/14 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (all age service, Parables, Wedding Banquet) (by Jules)
- September 6th - So, I prayed for the VCR (4) (Uncategorized) (answer to prayer, God gives us the desires of our hearts, power of prayer, Pray without ceasing, Prayer) (by Jules)
- August 17th - Discernment, writing and a neglected blog (0) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, discernment process, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- August 10th - “The Faith of Friends…” Talk at The Point Church // 10/08/14 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Evangelism, impacting others, Luke 5, The faith of friends, The paralysed man) (by Jules)
- July 15th - Women Bishops, Chichester Diocese and the future…. (2) (Uncategorized) (Diocese of Chichester, General Synod, women bishops) (by Jules)
- July 5th - @OurCofE – my experience (2) (Uncategorized) (@OurCofE, Church of England, twitter) (by Jules)
- July 2nd - ‘If Jesus is the answer, what are we going to do about it?’ // Luke 3:1-20 // Talk 29/6/14 (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (bearing fruit, Brood of vipers, Jesus, John the Baptist, Lukes gospel, repentance) (by Jules)
- June 18th - Vicar School Update // June 2014 (3) (Uncategorized) (Aylesford Priory, Church of England, SEITE, Student life, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- June 13th - Luke 1:1-26 // Preach from Sun 8th June 2014 (0) (Uncategorized) (Introduction to Luke, Jesus, Lukes gospel, preaching, Zechariah & Elizabeth) (by Jules)
- May 28th - “I don’t know how you do it…” (4) (Uncategorized) (being a working woman, how does she do it?) (by Jules)
- May 22nd - Blog Celebration – 100,000 views! (1) (Uncategorized) (blog celebration, CFS, Church of England, God, Jesus, real life, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- May 7th - Loving the Church of England… (2) (Uncategorized) (#LC14, Church of England, HTB, Leadership Conference 2014, Nothing is impossible for God, societal transformation) (by Jules)
- May 6th - Are people ‘hearing’ what you are saying? (2) (Uncategorized) (what we say isn't always what people hear) (by Jules)
- April 30th - Some thoughts on liturgy and worshipping God… (2) (Uncategorized) (being guided by the Holy Spirit, charismatic worship, liturgical worship, liturgy, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- April 25th - Vicar School (first published at Dreaming Beneath the Spires Blog) (2) (Uncategorized) (Theology, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- April 22nd - Worshipping in Canterbury Cathedral #VicarSchool (1) (Uncategorized) (Canterbury Cathedral, Vicar School, worship) (by Jules)
- April 19th - A week in Canterbury, Vicar School Update… (1) (Uncategorized) (Canterbury, Kings School, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- April 14th - Book Review: Moment Maker (0) (Uncategorized) (Book Review, Carlos Whitaker, Los Whit, Moment Maker) (by Jules)
- April 6th - Book Review: ‘Francesco, Artist of Florence: The Man Who Gave Too Much’ by Anita Mathias (0) (Uncategorized) ('Francesco, Anita Mathias, Artist of Florence: The Man Who Gave Too Much', Pietre dure) (by Jules)
- March 28th - Minecraft Prayer Space (0) (Uncategorized) (Minecraft, Minecraft prayer space, Prayer space in schools) (by Jules)
- March 10th - a day of extremes (0) (Uncategorized) (barraco barner, education, gemma worrall, Toby young) (by Jules)
- March 8th - International Women’s Day (0) (Uncategorized) (Esther, Heidi Baker, Hope House Haiti, inspirational women, international womens day, Ruth) (by Jules)
- March 6th - “Taste & see that the Lord is good” (0) (Uncategorized) (encouragement, Prayer, sweets, taste and see that the Lord is good, words of knowledge) (by Jules)
- March 2nd - Some Research into ‘The Discernment Process’ and a plea for help… (2) (Uncategorized) (discernment process. church of england, Ministry training, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- February 28th - Do Christians Really Change? (2) (Uncategorized) (Christian ethics, Do christians change, Jeff Lucas, moral transformation, Tom Wright) (by Jules)
- February 23rd - Book Review ‘Raising Children in a Digital Age’ by Dr Bex Lewis (0) (Uncategorized) (Bex Lewis, Book Review, kids on the internet, raising kids in a digital age) (by Jules)
- February 21st - A foray into Morning Prayer (3) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, Daily Prayer, Morning Prayer, Prayer) (by Jules)
- February 17th - Talk // 16th Feb 2014 // Believe, Trust, Share // Philippians 1:12-26 (0) (Uncategorized) ('Believe, 'To live is Christ, Braveheart, confidence in God, Paul, Philippians, Saul, Share', to die is gain', Trust) (by Jules)
- February 12th - Sharing some love… (0) (Uncategorized) (Love your neighbour, Random Acts of Kindness, Share the Hope, Share the love, Valentine's Day) (by Jules)
- February 9th - A ‘sort of apology’ to Archbishop Cranmer (4) (Uncategorized) (accessible church, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, Book of Common Prayer, Church of England, liturgy) (by Jules)
- February 8th - College Update // Feb 2014 (0) (Uncategorized) (CFS, fatigue, Theological college, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- February 7th - Life without God (0) (Uncategorized) (busy lives, CFS, Chronic Fatigue, doing life without God, Exhaustion, to busy not to pray, walking in the mist) (by Jules)
- February 2nd - Family life… (2) (Uncategorized) (family life, loving God, loving my kids, teaching kids about God) (by Jules)
- January 31st - Compelled by Love // The Movie (0) (Uncategorized) (Compelled by Love Movie, Heidi Baker, Iris Ministries, Jesus, Rolland Baker, Stop for the one) (by Jules)
- January 26th - Sally Phillips comes to town… (well, to our church actually…) (1) (Uncategorized) (Bridget Jones, Christianity, Downs Syndrome, Miranda, Sally Phillips, The Alpha Course) (by Jules)
- January 24th - Prayer Spaces in Schools (2) (Uncategorized) (big questions of life, christianity in schools, prayer for kids, prayer spaces in schools, RE lessons) (by Jules)
- January 3rd - Christmas Talk // Carol service 22nd Dec (0) (Uncategorized) (carol service talk, Christmas, Jesus, Jesus is relevant, the beginning, The Point Church) (by Jules)
2013 (39)
- December 19th - Come to church, you are all welcome! (0) (Uncategorized) (christmas services, gods love, Jesus, the church of england, welcoming church) (by Jules)
- December 16th - Guest Post: ‘The Words which Change Everything’ by Anita Mathias (0) (Uncategorized) (Anita Mathias, Thank you) (by Jules)
- December 1st - Wrecked in worship… (1) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, Jesus, Ministry training, sin, Vicar School, worship) (by Jules)
- November 21st - On being a parent (1) (Uncategorized) (bad mother moments, heavenly father, loving my kids, parenting) (by Jules)
- November 11th - Pastoral Care & Social Media #cnmac13 (4) (Uncategorized) (cnmac13, Facebook, good shepherd, pastoral care, social media and pastoral care) (by Jules)
- November 10th - The digital world and the real collide… #cnmac13 (3) (Uncategorized) (Christian New Media Awards and Conference, church communication, cnmac13, digital communication, Facebook, twitter) (by Jules)
- November 6th - “I Could have been…” (0) (Uncategorized) (could have been, God's grace, Jesus, transformed life) (by Jules)
- October 28th - College Update // October 2013 (1) (Uncategorized) (Ministry training, Ordinand, SEITE, Southwark cathedral, Vicar School) (by Jules)
- October 21st - Keeping it Real… (0) (Uncategorized) (#digifaith, being real on the internet, christian writing competition, Jesus, Social Media) (by Jules)
- October 19th - Crossbones Graveyard (0) (Uncategorized) (crossbones graveyard, southwark) (by Jules)
- October 17th - Book Review ‘Crossroads’ by Wm Paul Young (0) (Uncategorized) (Crossroads, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, The Shack, Wm Paul Young) (by Jules)
- October 14th - Discover Your Spiritual Giftings // Sermon 131013 (0) (Uncategorized) (one and many, spiritual giftings, The Point Church) (by Jules)
- October 11th - Loving the whole church (still) (0) (Uncategorized) (Bernie Ooley, Bethel, Christianity Rediscovered, Jesus, Pope Francis, Theological college, unity in the church, Vincent Donovan) (by Jules)
- September 16th - Start of something new… (3) (Uncategorized) (Aylesford Priory, mature student, new season, SEITE, starting theological college, Theology) (by Jules)
- September 5th - Start of a new season… (4) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, going back to uni, Jesus, SEITE, studying to be a Priest, trusting God) (by Jules)
- August 5th - The power of prayer… (2) (Uncategorized) (answer to prayer, france, summer holiday) (by Jules)
- August 2nd - Twitter trolls and being the difference… (2) (Uncategorized) (Caroline Criado Perez, Christians online, feminists, Mary Beard, trolling, twitter, Vicky Beeching) (by Jules)
- July 28th - Consumer Culture and the Church (0) (Uncategorized) (consumer culture, consumerism and the church) (by Jules)
- July 9th - Waiting here for you… (1) (Uncategorized) (beautiful song, Martin Smith, Waiting here for you) (by Jules)
- July 7th - The Work of the Holy Spirit // Preach 7th July 2013 (1) (Uncategorized) (John 16, preach, The Point Church, The Work of the Holy Spirit) (by Jules)
- July 4th - Relying on God alone… (2) (Uncategorized) (being pruned, John 15, relying on God, The Vine and the branches, trusting God) (by Jules)
- June 29th - Unity in the Church and avoiding Twitter spats… (2) (Uncategorized) (Being a Christian, Christians in the public eye, gods love, John Wimber, love the church, twitter spats, unity in the church) (by Jules)
- June 16th - Jesus is THE WAY… talk 160613 (0) (Uncategorized) (Jesus is the way, John 14, preach, The Point Church, The Way and the truth and the life) (by Jules)
- June 7th - Haiti Week (0) (Uncategorized) (earthquake, Haiti, Hope House Haiti, orphanage) (by Jules)
- May 23rd - Reflection on ‘Twilight’ (2) (Uncategorized) (Christian Union, Christianity, Jesus, lifehouse skit, Talk for teenagers, Testimony, True Love, Twilight) (by Jules)
- May 16th - I love the Church of England ! (6) (Uncategorized) (Calling, Church of England, HTB. leadership Conference. #LC13, ministry) (by Jules)
- May 8th - Retreat, Part 2 ‘God is in the detail’ (2) (Uncategorized) (beach, God is in the detail, retreat) (by Jules)
- May 7th - Going on Retreat… Part 1 (1) (Uncategorized) (Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre, Healing, Prayer, retreat, silence, stillness, time with God) (by Jules)
- March 25th - Changes and Trust (2) (Uncategorized) (Archbishop of Canterbury, being a student again, Church of England, emotions, trusting God) (by Jules)
- March 22nd - What We talk About When We Talk About God – Rob Bell // Book Review (1) (Uncategorized) (Book Review, Love Wins, NOOMA, Rob Bell, Sam Hailes, Talk About God, What We Talk About When We Talk About God) (by Jules)
- February 28th - BLOG BIRTHDAY!! (4) (Uncategorized) (blog birthday, CFS, Church of England, Faith, Jesus, journey, working for the church) (by Jules)
- February 10th - What is Community? (0) (Uncategorized) (church community, church leadership, community, mike green, missional communities) (by Jules)
- February 5th - Your Kingdom Come… (0) (Uncategorized) (Healing, Jesus, preaching, The Lords Prayer, Your Kingdom come) (by Jules)
- January 3rd - The Future… (11) (Uncategorized, Vocation) (Chichester Diocese, Church of England, Ministry training, OPM, St Mellitus) (by Jules)
2012 (28)
- November 21st - Women Bishops and the Synod vote (4) (Uncategorized) (Chichester Diocese, General Synod, Synod Vote, women bishops) (by Jules)
- November 15th - The Christmas Chord… (0) (Uncategorized) ('Going Public', Christmas Chord, Christmas video) (by Jules)
- November 11th - Loving the whole church… (4) (Uncategorized, Vocation) (Breadth of the Church of England, labels, OPM, ordained ministry) (by Jules)
- September 10th - Making a prayer box… (0) (Uncategorized) (making a prayer box, Prayer, praying with kids) (by Jules)
- September 9th - Sponsoring a child with Compassion (0) (Uncategorized) (Compassion Blog Month, Compassion Uk, Haiti, sponsor a child) (by Jules)
- September 8th - God is magic isn’t he…? (0) (Uncategorized) (Fairies, God, Harry Potter, Is God magic? kids questions, magic) (by Jules)
- September 6th - Women Blogger Rankings in Religion & Belief // September (5) (Uncategorized) (blog rankings, Ebuzzing, women bloggers) (by Jules)
- August 22nd - To be (a vicar)… or not to be.. ( a vicar) (2) (Uncategorized) (becoming a Vicar, Church of England, discernment process, Going into Ministry) (by Jules)
- July 21st - Losing my marbles… (0) (Uncategorized) (Bible, Learning from experience, marbles, suffering) (by Jules)
- July 16th - Have I found what I am looking for…? (0) (Uncategorized) (Jesus, Love of God, still haven't found what I am looking for, U2) (by Jules)
- June 1st - Mission & Evangelism for the modern day… (2) (Uncategorized) (BAP, Evangelism, Mission, praying for healing, prophecy) (by Jules)
- May 19th - BAP: Guest Post: David Cloake (0) (Uncategorized) (BAP, Church of England Selection, Father David Cloake, ordained ministry) (by Jules)
- May 18th - BAP: Guest Post: Nicola Hulks (1) (Uncategorized) (BAP, Church of England Selection, Nicola Hulks, ordained ministry) (by Jules)
- May 17th - BAP: the aftermath (Part 2) (3) (Uncategorized, Vocation) (BAP, Bishops Advisory Panel, ordained ministry, Shallowford) (by Jules)
- March 7th - Blogging Birthday! (3) (Uncategorized) (blog birthday, CFS, Church of England, discernment process, Jesus) (by Jules)
- February 23rd - BAP, The Bish and having doubts… (4) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, discernment process, pioneer ministry) (by Jules)
- February 13th - An encounter… (7) (Uncategorized) (An encounter with the Holy Spirit, The fruit of the Holy Spirit) (by Jules)
- February 6th - taking a break and seeing the Bish (3) (Uncategorized) (BAP, discernment process, seeing the Bishop) (by Jules)
2011 (66)
- December 14th - My yoke is easy.. (2) (Uncategorized) (being ill, CFS, my yoke is easy and my burden is light) (by Jules)
- November 19th - Being in the Church of England (6) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, ministry) (by Jules)
- November 14th - we all need a little mystery, don’t we..? (5) (Uncategorized) (Dawkins, Mystery, The God Delusion, Thirst for Knowledge) (by Jules)
- October 28th - Biblical Metaphors: The Temple (1) (Uncategorized) (sin, the body as a temple) (by Jules)
- October 19th - What is worship? (5) (Uncategorized) (All age worship, alt worship, changing worship, worship team) (by Jules)
- October 3rd - scripture vs women in ministry… (3) (Uncategorized) (Gods word, hermeneutics, infallible bible) (by Jules)
- September 26th - Foray into Incense, Part II (1) (Uncategorized) (Basilica of the Holy Blood, Bruges; Venerating Holy relics, Roman Catholic Church) (by Jules)
- August 19th - CFS diagnosis (2) (Uncategorized) (CFS, CFS diagnosis, forgetting words, memory problems) (by Jules)
- July 19th - Persecution of the church (0) (Uncategorized) (Persecution of Christians, St Stephen) (by Jules)
- July 14th - The Dying Church… (17) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, future of the church, New Statesman) (by Jules)
- July 11th - falling apart… (8) (Uncategorized) (CFS, HIV test, illness, not hearing from God) (by Jules)
- July 7th - Bishop of Chichester announces retirement. (0) (Uncategorized) (Bishop of Chichester to retire) (by Jules)
- July 6th - Practising being still (1) (Uncategorized) (being still, Psalm 46, the garden) (by Jules)
- June 24th - The Discernment Process (2) (Uncategorized) (cartoon church, discernment process) (by Jules)
- June 20th - Learners to Leaders (0) (Uncategorized) (church leadership, lifeshapes, parenting) (by Jules)
- June 18th - Keeping the Sabbath (2) (Uncategorized) (kids in church, missing church, sabbath, sunday sport) (by Jules)
- June 15th - Assisted dying (2) (Uncategorized) (Assisted dying, dignitas, Terry Pratchet) (by Jules)
- June 9th - From Ritual to Reality… (3) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, Godzone, Mike Ridell, ritual to realiry, traditional worship) (by Jules)
- June 7th - Why did Jesus not allow people to share their experiences? (5) (Uncategorized) (demon posession, healings, Jesus miracles) (by Jules)
- June 1st - Rest from work or work from rest…? (3) (Uncategorized) (long hours, rest, taking a break, working women) (by Jules)
- May 17th - to Daily Office or not to… (4) (Uncategorized) (daily office, fixed opinions, tiredness) (by Jules)
- April 16th - The Future of the Church (6) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, future of the church, Missions shaped church) (by Jules)
- April 14th - What is Heaven…? (3) (Uncategorized) (heaven, Surprised by Hope, Tom Wright) (by Jules)
- April 11th - How much freedom do we really have? (6) (Uncategorized) (freedom, The Shack) (by Jules)
- April 6th - Motherhood: Joy or Pain? (8) (Uncategorized) ('Shattered: Modern Motherhood and the Illusion of Equality', motherhood, Rebecca Asher, sunday times) (by Jules)
- April 4th - The skills of Church Leadership (8) (Uncategorized) (church leadership, ministry) (by Jules)