
Having been writing this ol’ blog for quite some time now there are a lot of posts – the easiest way to find something is to use the search option – see top right – and put in a key word or two. But just in case you want to read the whole lot from start to finish, it’s all here in date order, so knock yourselves out…


2025 (5)

2024 (35)

2023 (18)

  • July 10th - Sea Sunday (0) (Slider, Spoken Word) (creation, Creator, poetry, Sea Sunday, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
  • June 29th - Sermon | The Law (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Law, Old Testament, The Bible) (by Jules)
  • June 11th - Sermon | Exploring the Old Testament (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Old Testament, The Bible) (by Jules)
  • April 30th - Sermon | Acts 2 Pt 2 (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Acts 2, Evangelism, growing the church) (by Jules)
  • April 28th - Sermon | Acts 2 Pt 1 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Acts 2, Early church, Evangelism) (by Jules)
  • April 2nd - Sermon | Palm Sunday (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Palm Sunday) (by Jules)
  • April 2nd - Palm Sunday | 60 Second Sermon (1) (Sermons & Scripture, Spoken Word) (60 second sermon, Palm Sunday, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
  • March 26th - Sermon | Discipleship (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Acts 2, COmmunion, Discipleship, Great Commission, Matthew 28) (by Jules)
  • March 12th - Half The Church (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Felicity and Perpetua, international womens day, Jackie Pullinger, Kathryn Kulman, Women) (by Jules)
  • March 10th - SPiritual Warfare (0) (Uncategorized) (by Jules)
  • March 6th - Healing | Sermon for Lent 2 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Healing) (by Jules)
  • February 27th - Lent 1 | sermon (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Identity in Christ, Lent, Lent1, sermon) (by Jules)
  • February 6th - What is Truth? (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (John 18, Pilate, What is truth?) (by Jules)
  • January 22nd - The Heart Of The Gospel (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (John 18, sermon, thanksgiving) (by Jules)
  • January 17th - John 17 | Prayer (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (by Jules)
  • January 16th - Creation & Worship (0) (Eco Theology, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (climate change, creation, littering, worship) (by Jules)
  • January 8th - Epiphany sermon (0) (Uncategorized) (by Jules)
  • January 5th - Christmas Sermons (0) (Uncategorized) (carol service, Christmas, Christmas Sermon, christmas services, Midnight Mass, nativity) (by Jules)

2022 (29)

2021 (6)

  • November 18th - ‘Unveiled’ book review (0) (Book Reviews) (Biblical Women, Book Review, Clare Hayns, Micah Hayns, Unveiled, Women of the Old Testament) (by Jules)
  • August 24th - Women in leadership (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (Female Priests, Priesthood, Women in leadership, women's ordination) (by Jules)
  • August 14th - a dark valley (4) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum) (by Jules)
  • February 20th - Breaking the Mould – A Year On (0) (Ministry Mum) (breaking the mould, female clergy, ministry mum, mum life, women in ministry, working mum) (by Jules)
  • February 8th - Numinous (0) (Christianity, Slider) (creation, God's creation, Paddleboarding, SUP, The Creator) (by Jules)
  • January 5th - A New Year (0) (Spoken Word) (A NEW YEAR, hope, New Year's Eve, New Years DAY) (by Jules)

2020 (32)

  • December 20th - Lament for advent (0) (Spoken Word) (advent, Lament, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
  • December 11th - Christmas Book Promo! (0) (Slider, Writing) (by Jules)
  • December 6th - Advent hope (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Spoken Word) (advent, BBC Sussex, hope) (by Jules)
  • November 9th - Being Reverend by Matt Woodcock – Book Review (0) (Book Reviews, Church of England & Ministry) (Being Reverend, Matt Woodcock, ministry dad) (by Jules)
  • October 22nd - Free school meals (0) (Christianity) (Benefits, Food banks, food poverty, Free School Meals, Universal Credit) (by Jules)
  • October 12th - On being spiritually resilient when the sh*t hits the fan (4) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Faith, mental health, Prayer, Spiritual resilience) (by Jules)
  • October 5th - Life is like someone’s licked all the chocolate off my biscuit (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Biscuit theology, creativity, Ministry Life, pandemic, Self care) (by Jules)
  • July 14th - Two New Bishops (1) (Church of England & Ministry) (by Jules)
  • June 22nd - Lockdown Vocation (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Slider) (#VicarsLife, lockdown) (by Jules)
  • June 12th - Online bap – what to expect (4) (Church of England & Ministry, Slider, Vocation) (BAP, Church of England Selection, Vocation) (by Jules)
  • May 30th - imagine | spoken word for pentecost (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider, Spoken Word) (Pentecost, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
  • May 19th - Re-Beating the Bounds | Rogationtide 2020 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer, Slider) (Prayer, rogation) (by Jules)
  • May 18th - Enough? Parenting during the pandemic (1) (Book Reviews, Ministry Mum, Slider) (by Jules)
  • May 11th - Pandemic Psalm 2: escape (0) (Slider, Spoken Word) (pandemic, psalm 23, Psalm 63, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
  • May 9th - Members only? hardly. (3) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Slider) (Church of England, deacons, lockdown) (by Jules)
  • May 5th - Deborah & Jael | book review (0) (Ministry Mum, Slider) (Deborah & Jael, Lucy Rycroft) (by Jules)
  • May 3rd - Vocations Sunday (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Vocation) (breaking the mould, Calling, Vocation, Vocations Sunday) (by Jules)
  • April 21st - Pandemic psalm 1 (2) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (by Jules)
  • April 10th - Good Friday Thoughts (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Slider) (Easter, Good Friday) (by Jules)
  • April 1st - Holy Week reflections resource (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (Easter, Holy Week, Palm Sunday, reflections) (by Jules)
  • March 24th - What is the church doing? (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum) (by Jules)
  • March 22nd - How to pray (0) (Prayer, Slider) (How to Pray, National Day of Pray, Prayer, Praying for the nation) (by Jules)
  • March 19th - Spiritual Resources to use with children (1) (Ministry Mum, Sermons & Scripture) (children and the bible, spiritual resources for the family) (by Jules)
  • March 19th - Colouring Sheets (2) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (colouring sheets, Prayer doodling, scripture) (by Jules)
  • March 17th - Spiritual resources to use at home (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (coronavirus, Spiritual resources, worship at home) (by Jules)
  • March 14th - new guidance for family friendly policies (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Uncategorized) (Church of England, clergy parents, maternity guidance, ministry dad, ministry mum) (by Jules)
  • March 10th - a breath of fresh air? (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Uncategorized) (female preacher, female prophetic voice, ministry mum, women in ministry) (by Jules)
  • February 28th - Manifesto for Lent (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (Ash Wednesday, climate change, creation, Lent, repentance) (by Jules)
  • February 27th - Book Review: baby change (0) (Book Reviews, Ministry Mum, Slider) (by Jules)
  • February 17th - Ministry Mum panel (0) (Ministry Mum, Slider) (Baptist Church, book launch vocation, breaking the mould, Church of England, ministry mum, Ministry parent, URC church) (by Jules)
  • February 5th - (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Writing) (breaking the mould, ministry mum, ordained ministry, Ordained Women, working mum) (by Jules)
  • January 12th - Epiphany light (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider, Writing) (epiphany, New Year's Resolutions, poetry) (by Jules)

2019 (24)

  • December 31st - 10 years (1) (Christianity, Curate's Life, Ministry Mum, Slider) (2019, Testimony) (by Jules)
  • December 9th - Manifesto for humanity (0) (Christianity, Slider) (Christian Politics, election, General Election, UK election) (by Jules)
  • November 14th - Clergy Wellbeing (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Slider) (clergy, clergy wellbeing) (by Jules)
  • November 12th - stretching our wings (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Vocation) (#NWLW19, female leadership, New Wine, women in ministry) (by Jules)
  • November 2nd - Young, female & called (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Ministry Mum, Vocation) (by Jules)
  • October 25th - Update (0) (Ministry Mum, Slider) (ministry mum, writing) (by Jules)
  • April 22nd - What is truth? (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (Easter Sunday, preach, sermon, truth, What is truth?) (by Jules)
  • April 20th - Holy Week Reflections | Holy Saturday (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Saturday, Holy Week) (by Jules)
  • April 19th - Holy Week Reflections | Good Friday (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week, sacrifice) (by Jules)
  • April 18th - Holy Week Reflections | Maundy Thursday (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week) (by Jules)
  • April 17th - Holy Week Reflections | Wednesday (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week) (by Jules)
  • April 16th - Palm Sunday (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Easter, Holy Week, Palm Sunday, sermon) (by Jules)
  • April 16th - Holy Week | Tuesday (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week) (by Jules)
  • April 15th - Holy Week Reflections | Monday (0) (Christianity) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week) (by Jules)
  • April 14th - Holy Week Reflections | Palm Sunday (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (Holy Week Reflections Easter, Palm Sunday, Triumph) (by Jules)
  • April 13th - Holy Week Reflections 2019 (1) (Sermons & Scripture) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week, Holy Week Reflections 2019) (by Jules)
  • April 7th - #OurHolyWeek (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Slider) (#OurHolyWeek, Easter, Holy Week) (by Jules)
  • March 24th - The Greatest Deal (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Slider) (grace, Psalm 61, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
  • March 11th - #JustAPriest25 Press Release (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum, Slider, Vocation) (#JustAPriest25, female clergy, ordination, Vocation, women in ministry) (by Jules)
  • March 2nd - #JustAPriest25 (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum) (#JustAPriest25, ordination, Priesthood) (by Jules)
  • February 22nd - Giles Fraser, Brexit & Family (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (care for the elderly, Giles Fraser) (by Jules)
  • February 14th - Love Is… (0) (Christianity) (God is Love, Jesus, love, Love Is, Valentine's Day) (by Jules)
  • February 10th - Captivated by… (0) (Sermons & Scripture, Vocation) (Calling, David's calling, King David, Samuel, Vocation) (by Jules)
  • February 5th - Being & Doing (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Vocation) (by Jules)

2018 (32)

2017 (44)

2016 (79)

  • December 31st - The Blog Year in Review // 2016 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Vocation, Writing) (best posts of 2016, Blog Review, blogging 2016) (by Jules)
  • December 20th - Christmas as a Curate (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Vocation) (Christmas, Curacy, Curate, Working Christmas) (by Jules)
  • December 19th - JOY // Guest post from Ben Hollebon (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, Ben Hollebon, Church of England, film making, joy) (by Jules)
  • December 5th - Preach / / Service of Remembrance / / 4th Dec 2016 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (bereavement, God is a refuge, God is a strength, God is ever present, grief, preach, Psalm 46, sermon, sorrow) (by Jules)
  • November 30th - Book Review // ‘Cross the Line’ (1) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Cross the Line, faith in football, Football, footballers, Kaka, Liam Flint, Ollie Baines, SPCK) (by Jules)
  • November 23rd - PREACH // John 20:1-18 / Mary Magdalene & the transforming power of Jesus (1) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, encountering Jesus, Evangelism, John's Gospel, Mary Magdalene, preach, sermon) (by Jules)
  • November 21st - JOY // Guest post by Amanda Robbie (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, #OneWord365, Amanda Robbie, joy, Psalm 126, The Vicar's Wife) (by Jules)
  • November 17th - Marriage, Motherhood and Ministry (9) (Church of England & Ministry, Ministry Mum) (#NewRev, clergy mum, Curacy, ordained ministry, rhythm of life, work life balance, working mum) (by Jules)
  • November 14th - THANK YOU! (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Writing) (#PremDAC16, blogging, Christian blogger, church leadership, Church of England, Premier Digital Awards, Social Media) (by Jules)
  • November 11th - Biblical interpretation and the US Election (1) (Christianity) (Biblical interpretation and the US Election, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, President of the USA, US Election) (by Jules)
  • November 3rd - ‘Becoming Reverend’ by Matt Woodcock // Book review (1) (Book Reviews, Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Becoming Reverend, Book Review, IVF, Matt Woodcock, ordination training) (by Jules)
  • October 25th - Joy Guest post from Ros Clarke // ‘The Enemies of Joy’ (2) (Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, Dr Ros Clarke, joy, Online Pastor, Rejoice in the Lord) (by Jules)
  • October 24th - PREACH // Daniel 3: ‘Three Friends Trust’ // 23 Oct 2016 (0) (Christianity) (#bgbg2, Abednego, Daniel 3, Faith, Jesus, Mesach, sermon, Shadrach, Trust) (by Jules)
  • October 17th - Dog Collar Dilemma Pt 3 // guest post by Revd Sandra Sykes (1) (Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (clergy wear, clerical collar, Collared, Dog collars, Revd. Sandra Sykes, women in ministry) (by Jules)
  • October 14th - Bikinis, braces and vanity (3) (Christianity) (Bikinis, braces, Child of God, identity, vanity) (by Jules)
  • October 10th - Preach // John 18: 1-14 // The Kingdom Contrast (0) (Christianity) (#bgbg2, Bible Gateway Bloggers, John 18, Judas, s, The Kingdom Contrast) (by Jules)
  • October 9th - Preach // 9/10/16 Folk Festival Evensong // God in music (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, 2 Chronicles 5, Folk Festival, music, Music as worship) (by Jules)
  • October 6th - Book Review // Rhythms of Rest (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Book Review, rest, Rhythms of Rest, sabbath, Selah, Shelly Miller) (by Jules)
  • October 5th - Dog Collar Dilemma Part 2: Uniform vs Individual Style (10) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (clerical collar, Curate's Journey, Dog Collar, Dog Collar Dilemma: women's clericals - what on earth to wear?, female clerical attire, how to rock your dog collar, women in ministry) (by Jules)
  • October 3rd - Harvest All Age Resource // Faithfulness (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (all age service, God's Faithfulness, God's Provision, Harvest, Harvest Festival, Rainbow, Sharing) (by Jules)
  • September 30th - Dog Collar Dilemma: women’s clericals – what on earth to wear?! (17) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (clerical collar, Curate's Journey, Dog Collar, Dog Collar Dilemma: women's clericals - what on earth to wear?, female clerical attire, how to rock your dog collar, women in ministry) (by Jules)
  • September 19th - JOY guest post // Naomi McBain (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Guest post, Habakkuk 3:18, joy, Naomi McBain) (by Jules)
  • September 8th - Top Tips for starting #VicarSchool (8) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (#VicarSchool, Church of England, Ministerial Training, Ordinands, Theological college, Top Tops for starting #VicarSchool) (by Jules)
  • September 5th - Preach // John 17:6-19 // Standing in the Gap (1) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (DL Moody, Interceding, Intercessory prayer, Jesus, John 17, preach, sermon, Standing in the Gap) (by Jules)
  • September 3rd - Calling, Vocation and Discernment (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Vocation) (BA, Calling, Church of England, Discernment, ministry, ordination, The Discernment Process, Vocation) (by Jules)
  • August 26th - The Fragment // Book Review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Book Review, Davis Bunn, Marylebone House, SPCK, The Fragment, thriller) (by Jules)
  • August 22nd - Surfing Curacy (6) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (#NewRevs, Curacy, surfing, The Curate's Journey) (by Jules)
  • August 19th - ‘Still Emily’ book review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Emily Owen, hope, NF2, pain, Still Emily, suffering) (by Jules)
  • August 15th - JOY // Guest Post from Katie Stock (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, joy, Katie Stock, Psalm 51, Theology Bee) (by Jules)
  • August 9th - One Year On // Post Op (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (back pain, blessing, microdiskectomy, pain, prolapsed disk) (by Jules)
  • July 25th - ‘I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son…’ // Preach 24/07/16 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, Apostles Creed, Bible Gateway Bloggers, Children of God, Jesus, John's Gospel, Son of God) (by Jules)
  • July 20th - Joy // Guest Post from Jacqueline Peart (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, Jacqueline Peart, joy, Joy carriers, Joy quenchers, Maria Rodrigues, Nehemiah 8:10, Premier Radio) (by Jules)
  • July 16th - Saturday Morning Musings… (0) (Christianity, Prayer) (Eu Referendum, Jesus, Nice, Prayer, State of the Nation, Turkey) (by Jules)
  • July 2nd - Movement of Love (again) (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (1 Corinthians 13, love one another, Love your neighbour, Movement of Love) (by Jules)
  • June 30th - Becoming a Revd… (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Sermons & Scripture) (deacon, Diocese of Chichester, ordination, ordination retreat, Psalm 91, SEITE, silent retreat) (by Jules)
  • June 24th - Pre-ordination blur and making a stole (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (creativity, ordination, pre-ordination retreat, revelation 19, sewing, Wedding of the Lamb) (by Jules)
  • June 20th - What Coldplay taught me about joy // guest post on JOY by Sam Hailes (1) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, Coldplay, joy, Sam Hailes) (by Jules)
  • June 17th - #MovementOfLove (0) (Christianity) (#MovementOfLove, 1 Corinthians 13, Eu Referendum, Jo Cox, love, Love not Hate, Orlando Shooting, refugee crisis) (by Jules)
  • June 14th - Reflecting over boxes… (0) (Christianity, Curate's Life) (Curacy, Curate's Journey, friendship, Lewes, Moving House, transition) (by Jules)
  • June 13th - A Movement of Love | Preach 5th June 2016 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (1 Corinthians 13, God of Love, Jesus, love, Movement of Love, preach, Testimony, The Point Church) (by Jules)
  • May 23rd - More Joy from God (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, Curacy, joy, Lewes, Words from God) (by Jules)
  • May 20th - Ember Cards (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Prayer, Vocation) (Church of England, Curate's Journey, deacon, Ember cards, Ember days, Lords prayer, ordination, Prayer) (by Jules)
  • May 19th - Naked Prayers // Book Review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity, Prayer) (depression, Faith, Mara Measor, mental illlness, Naked Prayers, Psalms, SPCK) (by Jules)
  • May 16th - Guest Post on Joy // (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, abuse, Faith, Healing, Jesus, joy, survivor, Trust) (by Jules)
  • May 13th - Thy Kingdom Come (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Prayer) (Colour Collective, Lords prayer, Prayer Doodle, Prayer doodling, Thy Kingdom Come) (by Jules)
  • May 11th - The Battle… (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life) (emotions, leaving church, The Curate's Journey, transition) (by Jules)
  • May 6th - My Armour (0) (Christianity, Curate's Life) (gods love, My Armour, Perfect love casts out fear, spiritual armour, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
  • May 2nd - Liturgy – what are we missing? (8) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (charismatic church, Church of England, Eucharist, formal liturgy, informal church, liturgy, reverence) (by Jules)
  • April 25th - Inked… (8) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (is it ok for a Christian to get a tattoo?, Jesus, Levitical law, Selah, tattoos) (by Jules)
  • April 22nd - Review of Grove booklet ‘Evangelical Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities’ by Ian Paul (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Book Review, Evangelical Leadership, Evangelical Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities, Grove books, Ian Paul) (by Jules)
  • April 20th - Psalm 139 // Spoken Word (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Faith, pain, poetry, Psalm 139, Psalms, Spoken Word) (by Jules)
  • April 18th - Where Joy Resides // Guest Post by Ali Campbell (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord, Ali Campbell, joy, Robert Louis Stevenson) (by Jules)
  • April 17th - Preach // 2 Samuel 6 // Worship & God’s Presence (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (2 Samuel 6, Ark of the Covenant, God's presence, King David, worship) (by Jules)
  • April 15th - Praying in tongues = praying through liturgy? (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (liturgy, Prayer, praying in tongues, Praying in tongues = praying through liturgy?) (by Jules)
  • April 11th - Joy reminder… (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord, Choose joy, Henri Nouwen, joy) (by Jules)
  • April 9th - Charismatic or liturgical encounter? (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (charismatic worship, Church of England, Eucharist, formal liturgy, Hillsong, liturgy, matt redman, Sacraments, worship) (by Jules)
  • April 7th - Limbo // The Curate’s Journey (4) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Prayer) (Curate's Journey, In Limbo, ordination, Prayer) (by Jules)
  • March 29th - The Well of The North Wind by Kenneth Steven // Book Review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity) (Book of Kells, Book Review, Iona, Ireland, Kenneth Steven, Saint Columba, The Well of The North Wind) (by Jules)
  • March 21st - Joy // Guest Post from Dave Lucas (0) (Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (Dave Lucas, Disability and Jesus, guide dogs, joy) (by Jules)
  • March 16th - Praying for Parliament (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Prayer) (Houses of Parliament, MPs, Prayer, Prayer for Parliament, praying for leaders, Praying for the nation, St Mary Undercroft Chapel) (by Jules)
  • March 14th - Chronic pain or lingering blessing? (1) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (back pain, blessings in suffering, Chronic pain, Microdiscectomy, post op recovery, the gift of pain, Volte Face) (by Jules)
  • March 7th - Being different and being relevant… (7) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, be transformed, In the world not of the world, John 17:19, Monday Blogs, Romans 12:2) (by Jules)
  • March 2nd - Transitioning (3) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Church of England, Curacy, The Curate's Journey, Theological Training) (by Jules)
  • February 25th - Inequality and Disillusionment (4) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (homelessness, Inequality, Les Miserables, poverty) (by Jules)
  • February 22nd - Joy // Guest Post from James Prescott (5) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (#OneWord365, Guest post, James Prescott, joy) (by Jules)
  • February 18th - MORE JOY (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#OneWord365, joy, Nehemiah 8:10, the joy of the Lord is my strength) (by Jules)
  • February 17th - Big Brekkie Banter… (0) (Christianity) (#BigBrekkie, Big Brekkie Banter..., Christian Aid, Christian Aid Week) (by Jules)
  • February 14th - A Movement of Love (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, Bible Gateway, compassion, loneliness, love, Love your neighbour as yourself, Matthew 22:39, Movement of Love, Valentine's Day) (by Jules)
  • February 11th - The Curate’s Journey : The ‘O’ Word (9) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Church of England, Clerical wear, Curacy, Curate's Journey, ordination) (by Jules)
  • February 7th - David & Honour // Preach on 1 Samuel 24 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, Bible Gateway, Culture of Honour, David, Honour, King David, prophecy, Prophets, Samuel, Saul, Shawn Bolz) (by Jules)
  • February 6th - ‘Prayers on The Move’ App Review (0) (Book Reviews, Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) ('Prayers on The Move' App Review, #PrayersOnTheMove, Prayer, Prayers on the Move, Spirituality) (by Jules)
  • February 3rd - What’s Your Vocation? (5) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Vocation) (#CofECalling #ChurchofEngland #Vocations, Calling, Church of England, DDO, discernment process, ministry, Vocations) (by Jules)
  • February 1st - Repetition, Repetition, Repetition (7) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (charismatic worship, Christian formation, liturgical commission, liturgy, modern worship songs, Revelation 4:8) (by Jules)
  • January 25th - Retreat Reflection (1) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (going on retreat, Psalm 63, rest, silence, silent retreat) (by Jules)
  • January 17th - Fred (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, Age Concern, helping the poor, Jesus, loneliness, Matthew 25:40, older people) (by Jules)
  • January 14th - The Curate’s Journey begins… (3) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Church of England, Curacy, Curate, discernment process, finding a title post) (by Jules)
  • January 7th - Blogolution (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture, Writing) (blogging, Church of England, encouragement, Jesus, ministry, ordination) (by Jules)
  • January 5th - One Word for 2016: JOY (2) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, fruit of the spirit, Galatians 5:22, Hebrews 12, joy, Nehemiah 8:10. the joy of the Lord, one word) (by Jules)
  • January 3rd - Psalm 1 // All Age Service // resource (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (All age resource, gods love, Gods word, Prayer, Psalm 1, Rooted in God, Trust) (by Jules)

2015 (138)

  • December 31st - Vulnerability & Isolation // Part 3 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, CFS, Fibromyalgia, isolation, ME, Philippians 4:12, vulnerability, wheelchair use) (by Jules)
  • December 25th - Chocolate Nativity Story (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Curate's Life, Sermons & Scripture) (All Age Nativity, Chocolate Nativity, Christmas Day Sermon, Mary & Joseph, nativity) (by Jules)
  • December 22nd - The Sofa Nativity (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Christmas, Christmas Story, Nativity story, nativity video, The Sofa Nativity) (by Jules)
  • December 20th - Presents of Love ? (Christianity) (Christmas, Christmas presents, Gift from Heaven, Gift of Love, Jesus, love) (by Jules)
  • December 15th - Vulnerability & Isolation // Pt 2 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, getting to church at a difficult time, isolation, John 13:34-35, loving people, pain, pastoral care, vulnerability) (by Jules)
  • December 12th - Vulnerability and Isolation // Pt 1 (2) (Christianity) (#bgbg2, getting to church at a difficult time, isolation, pain, pastoral care, Psalm 91, vulnerability) (by Jules)
  • December 10th - Letters to my kids (0) (Christianity) (being a parent, facing surgery, parenting, what if something happens to me, writing to my kids) (by Jules)
  • December 3rd - Advent Reflection (0) (Christianity) (advent, Advent Reflection, Chichester Diocese, Doctor Who, Mercy) (by Jules)
  • December 2nd - Reconciliation // 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture, Vocation) (#bgbg2, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Reconciliation) (by Jules)
  • November 23rd - Having a ‘Sound Portrait’ (0) (Christianity) (epiphany music group, Hearing God, Sound Portrait) (by Jules)
  • November 22nd - Is Prayer Offensive? (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Church of England, Prayer, The Lords Prayer) (by Jules)
  • November 20th - Creativity within… (0) (Prayer) (art, being creative, Creativity within..., music, painting, song writing) (by Jules)
  • November 15th - Hashtag Prayers for a Heartbroken World… (4) (Christianity) (#PrayForParis, hashtag prayers, Prayer, why pray) (by Jules)
  • November 13th - What’s in a name? (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#bgbg2, graffiti, identity, making a mark, name) (by Jules)
  • November 10th - Selah (again) (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (creativity, relaxation, rest, sabbath, Selah, time to think) (by Jules)
  • November 6th - Being you (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Being you, created, identity, Identity in Christ) (by Jules)
  • November 1st - Hiatus (0) (Christianity) (by Jules)
  • October 31st - Is sharing your faith *actually* counter-productive? (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Christianity, Church of England, Evangelism, sharing faith, Talking Jesus) (by Jules)
  • October 31st - #Write31Days Round Up (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 30th - Social Media & Mission (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Evangelism, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 29th - To Jesus or not to… (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Evangelism, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 28th - Funding for Mission (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Funding for Mission, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 27th - Moving from Prayer to Something (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 27th - The shame of self-promotion… (0) (Writing) (blogging, Self promotion, twitter, writing) (by Jules)
  • October 26th - Out There (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 24th - Trust // Colour Collective (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (#ColourCollective, #Proverbs 3:5, creativity, Prayer doodling, Trust) (by Jules)
  • October 24th - Where is ‘the church’ ? (1) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Cartoon, Dave Walker, Incarnational living, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Where is the church?) (by Jules)
  • October 23rd - Resources for Mission & Outreach (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 22nd - Working ecumenically – a necessary challenge! (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Church unity, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships, Working ecumenically) (by Jules)
  • October 21st - Church in a Pub… (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Church in a Pub, Church of England, ChurchLive, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 20th - ‘Out There’ report (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 19th - That Bishop’s Letter (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (Bishops Letter, Church of England, EU, John 13:34-35, love one another, migrants, Syrian Crisis, Syrian refugees, The good Samaritan) (by Jules)
  • October 19th - What is Mission not? (6) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Church growth, Church of England, ChurchLive, Fresh Expressions, From Anecdote to Evidence, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 17th - Loving People (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 16th - Selah (0) (Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (#ColourCollective, Colour Collective, prayer drawing, Selah) (by Jules)
  • October 16th - Really getting ‘Out There’ (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 15th - What’s Your Vision? (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism) (#Write31days, Acts 13, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships, vision) (by Jules)
  • October 14th - Being Transformed… (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Acts 13, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 13th - A Transforming Presence (2) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Acts 13, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships, Tom Wright) (by Jules)
  • October 12th - ChurchLive // Reaching the Nations with Social Media! (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Church of England, ChurchLive, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 10th - Radical Transformation of Life? // Day 10 // #Write31Days (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Acts 13, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Radical Transformation, relationships, Tom Wright) (by Jules)
  • October 9th - Clearing our rubbish… // #Write31Days // Day 9 (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 8th - Foundations: Team // #Write31Days // Day 8 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Prayer, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 7th - Foundations: Relationships // #Write31Days // Day 7 (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, relationships) (by Jules)
  • October 6th - Foundations: Love // #Write31Days // Day 6 (1) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities) (by Jules)
  • October 5th - Foundations: Prayer // #Write31Days // Day 5 (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, power of prayer, Prayer) (by Jules)
  • October 4th - Bless where you are // #Write31Days // Day 4 (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jeremiah 29:11, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities) (by Jules)
  • October 3rd - Day 3 // #Write31Days // Being Incarnational (1) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture, Vocation) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities, Rediscovering Christianity, Vincent Donovan) (by Jules)
  • October 2nd - Day 2 // #Write31Days // ‘Why be ‘out there’?’ (0) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities) (by Jules)
  • October 1st - 31 days of ‘Out There’ : Loving one another with purpose… (1) (Christianity, Mission & Evangelism, Sermons & Scripture) (#Write31days, Incarnational living, Jesus new command, John 13:34, love one another, Mission, missional communities) (by Jules)
  • September 20th - Review of ‘Ransomed Soul’ by Dan Lank (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Dan Lank, Ransomed Soul) (by Jules)
  • September 14th - Syria, what can YOU do? (0) (Christianity) (how to help syrian refugees, refugee crisis, Syria, Syrian refugees) (by Jules)
  • September 14th - Parable of the tenants // Preach // 13th Sept 2015 (8) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (eternity, Heaven and hell, Luke 20, Parable of The tenants, Parables, salvation) (by Jules)
  • September 10th - Post Godly Surgery #PostOp (0) (Christianity) (back pain, David's Tent, DT15, post op, surgery) (by Jules)
  • September 7th - Review of the new Psalm App from the CofE (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (#MyPsalm, Church of England, Psalm App, Psalms) (by Jules)
  • September 6th - Shoreham (1) (Christianity) (community, gods love, Shoreham, Shoreham AirShow Accident) (by Jules)
  • September 3rd - Imagining a mother’s loss #Syria (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (John 13:34, love one another, Prayer doodling, prayer drawing, Refugees, Syria, the boy on the beach) (by Jules)
  • August 27th - Preach // The Philippian Jailor // Being Missional (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (he Philippian Jailor, Mission, preach, preaching, spiritual darkness, transformation) (by Jules)
  • August 19th - Mission Resources (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (community outreach, Mission, mission resources, missional communities, missional projects, outreach) (by Jules)
  • August 15th - Rooted deep.. (2) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Colossians 2:7, Deep, Faith) (by Jules)
  • August 8th - Vicar School Update // Summer 2015 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Back injury, Canterbury, Church of England, discernment process, Jesus, Leeland, SEITE, Vicar School) (by Jules)
  • August 4th - Trust. It’s a black or white thing… (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Prayer doodling, Psalm 56, Trust) (by Jules)
  • July 31st - Colouring sheet // colour collective // creation (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (#colour_collective, Adult colouring, colouring sheet, creation, Genesis, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
  • July 31st - Colouring Sheet and Meditation on Matthew 10:8 // Freely you have received (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Adult colouring, christian colouring, colouring sheet, Freely give, Matthew 10:8, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
  • July 21st - Discovering Sabbath Rest (0) (Christianity) (back surgery, bees, God, new normal, recovery, rest, sabbath) (by Jules)
  • July 17th - Bottles of Tears // Colouring Sheet and meditation (1) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (colouring for prayer, free colouring sheet, God collects our tears, Prayer doodling, Psalm 56) (by Jules)
  • July 14th - Selfies of God… (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (in the image of God, instagram, more of you less of me, Psalm 139, self image, selfies, who we are in God) (by Jules)
  • July 12th - Talk 12/7/15 // John 14 // Trust in God’s promises (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (God's promises, Jesus, John 14, tough times, Trust) (by Jules)
  • July 11th - Back Update // Week 4 Post-Op (2) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (back surgery, Be still & know that I am God, John 3:21, microdiskectomy, Psalm 46, truth) (by Jules)
  • July 10th - Be Still // Colouring Sheet (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Be Still, christian colouring, colouring for adults, colouring sheet, Psalm 46:10) (by Jules)
  • July 5th - Moments of quiet glory (4) (Christianity) (Be Still and Know, Beauty of creation, moments, Psalm 46:10) (by Jules)
  • July 4th - Peace some more…. (0) (Sermons & Scripture) (John 14:27, peace) (by Jules)
  • July 2nd - Taste & See // Colouring Sheet (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Adult colouring, Christian Colouring Sheet, Psalm 34, taste and see that the Lord is good) (by Jules)
  • June 30th - Trust (1) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (God, Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust) (by Jules)
  • June 29th - Miraculous Peace (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (1 Corinthians 10:31, back surgery, Jesus, John 14:27, peace, Psalm 91) (by Jules)
  • June 28th - For I know the plans I have for you // Colouring Sheet (0) (Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (christian c, christian colouring, colouring for adults, colouring sheets, Jeremiah 29:11) (by Jules)
  • June 26th - Colouring Sheet // Perfect Love Casts Out Fear (0) (Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (1 John 4:18, Adult colouring, christian colouring, Perfect love casts out fear) (by Jules)
  • June 25th - The ‘Worship’ argument (5) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (charismatic worship, modern worship, praise to God, unity in the church, worship, Worship leaders) (by Jules)
  • June 23rd - Quick back update (2) (Christianity) (back pain, microdiskectomy, prolapsed disk, surgery) (by Jules)
  • June 23rd - Colouring Sheet / For the Glory of God (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (1 Corinthians 10:31, Adult colouring, colouring for Christians, prayer colouring, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
  • June 21st - Colouring as prayer – 10 tips (1) (Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Adult colouring, colouring for Christians, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
  • June 20th - More colouring // Song of Songs (0) (Christianity, Prayer, Sermons & Scripture) (Adult colouring, Come Away with me, Prayer doodling, Song of Songs) (by Jules)
  • June 17th - More Prayer Doodling (& a bit of colouring) (0) (Christianity, Prayer) (Adult colouring, Christian Colouring Sheet, colouring, colouring sheet, Jesus, John 13:34-35, Outrageous Love, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
  • June 15th - Guest Post: Even If He Never Tells Me Why (4) (Christianity) (cerebral palsy, death of a child, Where is God?, Why Lord?) (by Jules)
  • June 13th - Post op update (2) (Christianity) (back pain, Jesus, post op, surgery) (by Jules)
  • June 11th - Guest post: Death & Resurrection (2) (Christianity) (death, dying, grief, Guest post, Stephen Canning) (by Jules)
  • June 10th - Under his wings.. (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Psalm 91, Under his wings) (by Jules)
  • June 9th - A little bit of perspective (0) (Christianity) (perspective, seeing another view) (by Jules)
  • June 5th - Two things… (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (back pain, Matthew 25, Thank you, Where is Jesus?) (by Jules)
  • June 4th - God as Mother – Round Up (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Father God, Feminist Theology, God as Mother, Ian Paul, Rev Kate Bottley) (by Jules)
  • June 3rd - Musical Interlude (0) (Christianity) (Jonathan David & Melissa Helser, Love Song) (by Jules)
  • June 2nd - Pain, pain and more pain… (0) (Christianity) (pain, suffering) (by Jules)
  • June 1st - Holy Spirit Creativity (2) (Christianity, Prayer) (being creative, Bezalel, creativity, gifts from God) (by Jules)
  • May 30th - Spiritual Warfare – 10 top tips! (0) (Christianity, Sermons & Scripture) (Spiritual Attack, Spiritual Warfare) (by Jules)
  • May 29th - Massive Apologies (0) (Christianity) (blog transfer, blogging fail, sorry) (by Jules)
  • May 28th - Is there such a thing as a Christian Practice of Internet Use? (2) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry) (Christian Internet Use, Social Media) (by Jules)
  • May 27th - Beautiful Pain (4) (Sermons & Scripture) (back pain, Book of Job) (by Jules)
  • May 24th - Pentecost (0) (Church of England & Ministry) (Acts 2, Holy Spirit, Pentecost) (by Jules)
  • May 24th - New home for the blog (2) (Christianity) (by Jules)
  • May 24th - Seeing God in the pain… (0) (Christianity) (pain, Psalm 73, suffering) (by Jules)
  • May 19th - Pain (1) (Uncategorized) (ministry, pain, Richard Rohr) (by Jules)
  • May 14th - Is there such a thing as a Christian Practice of Internet Use? (3) (Uncategorized) (Christian Practices, Christians using the internet, Vicar School) (by Jules)
  • May 12th - Some More Thoughts on Being in Pain (0) (Christianity) (back pain, Book of Job, Psalm 46) (by Jules)
  • May 11th - Seeing God in the pain (2) (Uncategorized) (dealing with pain, pain, Psalm 73, seeking God in suffering) (by Jules)
  • May 4th - Prayer Doodling Round Up (0) (Uncategorized) (Prayer, Prayer doodling, Praying in Colour) (by Jules)
  • May 2nd - Methodist Covenant Prayer // Prayer Doodling (2) (Christianity, Uncategorized) (Methodist church, Methodist Covenant Prayer, Prayer doodling) (by Jules)
  • May 1st - It was never a dress…. (0) (Uncategorized) (Girl Power, Who Made Your Pants, Wonder Woman) (by Jules)
  • April 30th - Bubbles…. (0) (Uncategorized) (bubbles of life) (by Jules)
  • April 27th - Peace (0) (Uncategorized) (God's creation, Prayer, South Downs) (by Jules)
  • April 24th - Using the Internet as a Spiritual Practice (3) (Uncategorized) (Christian Internet Use, Christian Practices, Spirituality) (by Jules)
  • April 23rd - Some musings on ‘A Lot Like Eve’ by Joanna Jepson (1) (Uncategorized) (A Lot Like Eve, Joanna Jepson, women in the church) (by Jules)
  • April 20th - Psalm 48 // Prayer Doodling (0) (Christianity, Uncategorized) (Prayer, Prayer doodling, Psalm 48, Psalms, Unfailing love) (by Jules)
  • April 17th - Holy Saturday (0) (Uncategorized) (being in God's presence, Easter, Holy Saturday, The Altar, The Point Church) (by Jules)
  • April 11th - Canterbury #VicarSchool (0) (Uncategorized) (Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral, Vicar School) (by Jules)
  • April 9th - Candlelit Pilgrimage in Canterbury Cathedral (3) (Uncategorized) (Candlelit Pilgrimage, Canterbury Cathedral, Thomas a Becket, Vicar School) (by Jules)
  • April 9th - 3 min sermon of the Feeding of the 5000 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (feeding of the five thousand, John 6, preaching, sermon, short sermon, Vicar School) (by Jules)
  • March 31st - Ezekiel 47 // New life from the heart of worship… (0) (Uncategorized) (being in God's presence, Ezekiel 47, Old Testament Prophets, prophecy, the body as a temple, worship) (by Jules)
  • March 26th - Seek. Dwell. Gaze (2) (Uncategorized) (Psalm 27) (by Jules)
  • March 24th - Wisdom and the fear of the Lord. (2) (Uncategorized) (fear of the Lord, Jesus, Job, wisdom) (by Jules)
  • March 21st - 140 Character Gospel (0) (Uncategorized) (communication, inspirational quotes, reaching people with the Gospel, sound bites, twitter) (by Jules)
  • March 16th - WORK IN PROGRESS! (2) (Uncategorized) (by Jules)
  • March 16th - The curious incident of the dead owl in the daytime (4) (Uncategorized) (God, Jesus, Kris Vallotton, owls, prophecy, wisdom) (by Jules)
  • March 15th - Mothering Sunday, the joy and the pain. (0) (Uncategorized) (Mother's Day, Mothering Sunday) (by Jules)
  • March 8th - God given moments… (0) (Uncategorized) (God given moments, Jeremiah 29:11, Making the most of every moment, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you) (by Jules)
  • March 2nd - Grief and emotion in daily life (5) (Uncategorized) (emotions, grief, loss, Vicar School) (by Jules)
  • February 28th - Blog birthday!! (0) (Uncategorized) (blog birthday, blogging, video log, vlogging) (by Jules)
  • February 27th - Who can show us any good? (2) (Uncategorized) (bringers of good, goodness, Mission, Psalm 4, Psalms) (by Jules)
  • February 23rd - Almost a blog birthday… (6) (Uncategorized) (21st Century women, blog birthday, called to ministry, Church of England, Church of England Selection, ordination, swearing, teachers, women bishops) (by Jules)
  • February 12th - A day trip to Synod… (5) (Uncategorized) (Archbishop of Canterbury, Church of England, Evangelism, General Synod, Jesus) (by Jules)
  • February 8th - Talk / 8th Feb 2015 // A Crippled Woman Meets Jesus // Luke 13:10-17 (0) (Christianity, Church of England & Ministry, Sermons & Scripture) (encountering Jesus, freedom, Jesus heals the crippled woman, Luke 13, preach) (by Jules)
  • February 5th - Vicar School Update // Jan 2015 (1) (Uncategorized) (Aylesford Priory, hospital chaplaincy, SEITE, Vicar School Upate) (by Jules)
  • February 1st - That Stephen Fry Interview… (2) (Uncategorized) (Evil, illness, RTE interview, Stephen Fry, Stephen Fry on God, suffering) (by Jules)
  • January 30th - Musical Interlude // ‘I Can Feel You’, Bethel, Tides (0) (Uncategorized) (Bethel, I can Feel you, Jenn Johnson, Jesus, presence of God, Tides) (by Jules)
  • January 25th - On being 40… (0) (Uncategorized) (10 things, being 40, birthdays, getting older, middle age, wrinkles) (by Jules)
  • January 16th - Feeling useless… (1) (Uncategorized) (depression, mental health, Prayer, supporting someone with depression) (by Jules)
  • January 10th - A Commitment… (1) (Uncategorized) (Committing to Jesus, giving in to God, Jesus, lyrics, poetry) (by Jules)
  • January 9th - The power of an unknown prayer… (3) (Christianity, Uncategorized) (God, Healing, Healing a marriage., Jesus, marriage problems, Prayer) (by Jules)
  • January 4th - Reading the paper as a Spiritual Exercise, Part 2 : The Red tops (4) (Uncategorized) (No more Page 3, Page 3, reading the paper as a spiritual exercise, The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, The Sun, Top selling newspapers 2014, Vicar School) (by Jules)

2014 (49)

2013 (39)

  • December 19th - Come to church, you are all welcome! (0) (Uncategorized) (christmas services, gods love, Jesus, the church of england, welcoming church) (by Jules)
  • December 16th - Guest Post: ‘The Words which Change Everything’ by Anita Mathias (0) (Uncategorized) (Anita Mathias, Thank you) (by Jules)
  • December 1st - Wrecked in worship… (1) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, Jesus, Ministry training, sin, Vicar School, worship) (by Jules)
  • November 21st - On being a parent (1) (Uncategorized) (bad mother moments, heavenly father, loving my kids, parenting) (by Jules)
  • November 11th - Pastoral Care & Social Media #cnmac13 (4) (Uncategorized) (cnmac13, Facebook, good shepherd, pastoral care, social media and pastoral care) (by Jules)
  • November 10th - The digital world and the real collide… #cnmac13 (3) (Uncategorized) (Christian New Media Awards and Conference, church communication, cnmac13, digital communication, Facebook, twitter) (by Jules)
  • November 6th - “I Could have been…” (0) (Uncategorized) (could have been, God's grace, Jesus, transformed life) (by Jules)
  • October 28th - College Update // October 2013 (1) (Uncategorized) (Ministry training, Ordinand, SEITE, Southwark cathedral, Vicar School) (by Jules)
  • October 21st - Keeping it Real… (0) (Uncategorized) (#digifaith, being real on the internet, christian writing competition, Jesus, Social Media) (by Jules)
  • October 19th - Crossbones Graveyard (0) (Uncategorized) (crossbones graveyard, southwark) (by Jules)
  • October 17th - Book Review ‘Crossroads’ by Wm Paul Young (0) (Uncategorized) (Crossroads, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, The Shack, Wm Paul Young) (by Jules)
  • October 14th - Discover Your Spiritual Giftings // Sermon 131013 (0) (Uncategorized) (one and many, spiritual giftings, The Point Church) (by Jules)
  • October 11th - Loving the whole church (still) (0) (Uncategorized) (Bernie Ooley, Bethel, Christianity Rediscovered, Jesus, Pope Francis, Theological college, unity in the church, Vincent Donovan) (by Jules)
  • October 10th - Quick update (2) (Uncategorized) (by Jules)
  • September 16th - Start of something new… (3) (Uncategorized) (Aylesford Priory, mature student, new season, SEITE, starting theological college, Theology) (by Jules)
  • September 5th - Start of a new season… (4) (Uncategorized) (Church of England, going back to uni, Jesus, SEITE, studying to be a Priest, trusting God) (by Jules)
  • August 5th - The power of prayer… (2) (Uncategorized) (answer to prayer, france, summer holiday) (by Jules)
  • August 2nd - Twitter trolls and being the difference… (2) (Uncategorized) (Caroline Criado Perez, Christians online, feminists, Mary Beard, trolling, twitter, Vicky Beeching) (by Jules)
  • July 28th - Consumer Culture and the Church (0) (Uncategorized) (consumer culture, consumerism and the church) (by Jules)
  • July 18th - bad day…. (1) (Uncategorized) (angry with God, Disappointment, feeling crap) (by Jules)
  • July 9th - Waiting here for you… (1) (Uncategorized) (beautiful song, Martin Smith, Waiting here for you) (by Jules)
  • July 7th - The Work of the Holy Spirit // Preach 7th July 2013 (1) (Uncategorized) (John 16, preach, The Point Church, The Work of the Holy Spirit) (by Jules)
  • July 4th - Relying on God alone… (2) (Uncategorized) (being pruned, John 15, relying on God, The Vine and the branches, trusting God) (by Jules)
  • June 29th - Unity in the Church and avoiding Twitter spats… (2) (Uncategorized) (Being a Christian, Christians in the public eye, gods love, John Wimber, love the church, twitter spats, unity in the church) (by Jules)
  • June 17th - Haiti Week Update (0) (Uncategorized) (charity, Hope House Haiti) (by Jules)
  • June 16th - Jesus is THE WAY… talk 160613 (0) (Uncategorized) (Jesus is the way, John 14, preach, The Point Church, The Way and the truth and the life) (by Jules)
  • June 9th - Haiti Week Part 2 (0) (Uncategorized) (Haiti, Hope House Haiti) (by Jules)
  • June 7th - Haiti Week (0) (Uncategorized) (earthquake, Haiti, Hope House Haiti, orphanage) (by Jules)
  • May 23rd - Reflection on ‘Twilight’ (2) (Uncategorized) (Christian Union, Christianity, Jesus, lifehouse skit, Talk for teenagers, Testimony, True Love, Twilight) (by Jules)
  • May 16th - I love the Church of England ! (6) (Uncategorized) (Calling, Church of England, HTB. leadership Conference. #LC13, ministry) (by Jules)
  • May 8th - Retreat, Part 2 ‘God is in the detail’ (2) (Uncategorized) (beach, God is in the detail, retreat) (by Jules)
  • May 7th - Going on Retreat… Part 1 (1) (Uncategorized) (Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre, Healing, Prayer, retreat, silence, stillness, time with God) (by Jules)
  • March 25th - Changes and Trust (2) (Uncategorized) (Archbishop of Canterbury, being a student again, Church of England, emotions, trusting God) (by Jules)
  • March 22nd - What We talk About When We Talk About God – Rob Bell // Book Review (1) (Uncategorized) (Book Review, Love Wins, NOOMA, Rob Bell, Sam Hailes, Talk About God, What We Talk About When We Talk About God) (by Jules)
  • February 28th - BLOG BIRTHDAY!! (4) (Uncategorized) (blog birthday, CFS, Church of England, Faith, Jesus, journey, working for the church) (by Jules)
  • February 10th - What is Community? (0) (Uncategorized) (church community, church leadership, community, mike green, missional communities) (by Jules)
  • February 5th - Your Kingdom Come… (0) (Uncategorized) (Healing, Jesus, preaching, The Lords Prayer, Your Kingdom come) (by Jules)
  • February 1st - Prayer (4) (Uncategorized) (Prayer, preaching) (by Jules)
  • January 3rd - The Future… (11) (Uncategorized, Vocation) (Chichester Diocese, Church of England, Ministry training, OPM, St Mellitus) (by Jules)

2012 (28)

2011 (66)

2010 (64)