Sermon from St Edward’s Sun 2 Feb 2025. Readings: Luke 2:22-40; Malachi 3:1-5 ; Hebrews 2:14-end Well this one divided people, most people loved it, one very much did not. I…
[Image generated via AI to bring together Christ, creation and climate change]. A version of a paper for my MA. Rewritten for a presentation at Chester Uni and to make it…
Christianity Church of England & Ministry Prayer Sermons & Scripture Slider
Pride, Riots and Glitter
On Saturday I went to church. I was filled with joy, felt the love of God so much that it made me cry, blessed people, we sung together with hearts filled…
These notes were put together for workshops at the Diocesan Eco Day in Chichester Diocese, June 2024. They give an intro to outdoor/ creation-centred worship with ideas formed at St Edward’s…
Sermon for St Edward’s Church 16 June 2024 / Reading: Acts 14:8-20 Last week we looked at Saul/Paul’s conversion and then there follows a few chapters of him getting out there…
Mothering Sunday 2024 Sermon at St Edward’s Church. Readings: Hosea 11: 1-4 & Luke 15: 1-10 You might have noticed I rarely use ‘he’ when referring to God. I tend to…
Spoken word inspired by Sea Sunday… Sea Sunday She rolls in: grey, blue, turquoise; crests of white foam lapping at my feet, at the sandy slopes and pebbled mounds so steep.…
Mini sermon / Premier Christian Radio Listeners may remember I am an outdoorsy kind of person. I love a good hike up on the South Downs near where we live, or…
Sunday 21st August / Sermon for The Point Church / Psalm 27 I am an art lover. All kinds of art. I have a degree in the History of Art and I…
6o second sermon for BBC Radio Sussex. Based on Psalm 27 which I have been reflecting on a lot recently. I seek you. Only you. You are all I need. I seek you in…