Readings: Exodus 36:1 – 5, Matthew 16:13-20 Today is our patronal festival, the day we remember St Edward the Confessor whom the church is named after and in the last few…
A sermon on giving in preparation for Gift Day at St Edward’s / 6 October 2024 Readings: Luke 21: 1-6 & 1 Corinthians 16: 1-4 I read something this week that…
Sermon for St Edward’s, 29/9/24 – Harvest Festival Readins: Genesis 2: 4-9, 15-18 & Matthew 6: 25 – 34 Today we give thanks, and we think about God as provider and…
Sermon for St Edward’s, Readings James 3:1-12, Matthew 12: 33-37 Chapter 3 is all about the tongue – the words we use and their impact. It makes me think of that…
Sermon for St Edward’s, 8/9/24. Start of a mini series on James James 1 & Intro So today we are starting a look at James. Will be doing so over the…
Another paper adapted from an essay written for my MA – I’ve tried to make this less academic in language and more readable. Originally titled “Christ as Typology for Creation: a…
Sermon for St Edward’s Church, 18 August 2024 Readings: Ephesians 4:1-16, 25-32 & John 17:6,17-26 We are continuing in Ephesians today and we have jumped ahead to Ch 4 so I’m…
We really should talk about Christ in creation a lot more. The Bible tells us that Christ was there from the very beginning and that all things came into being through…
Sermon for St Edward’s Church. Readings Ephesians 1: 1-14 & John 1:1-18 Today we start a mini-series in the Letter to the Ephesians, as we continue looking at Paul. Now I…
Christianity Church of England & Ministry Prayer Sermons & Scripture Slider
Pride, Riots and Glitter
On Saturday I went to church. I was filled with joy, felt the love of God so much that it made me cry, blessed people, we sung together with hearts filled…