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  • Line drawing of some ears
    Sermons & Scripture

    What is vision?

    Sermon / 1 May St Edward’s Church / Vision 2: What is vision and how do we hear from God? Readings: John 14:15-21 // Exodus 3:7-17 & 4:1-14 A few weeks…

  • Veil drifting in wind
    Christianity Sermons & Scripture

    Unveiling ourselves

    Sermon from St Edward’s, Burgess Hill, 27/02/22. Readings: Exodus 34.29–35/ Psalm 99 / 2 Cor 3:12-18 / Luke 9:28-36 Have any of you been to Rome? I’ve been a few times – the first when I…

  • Uncategorized

    Moses and me…

    God has really been speaking to me this week about His plans for me, (as opposed to my own plans for me!) Funny how so often we ask God to use…