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    Seeing God in the pain

    I feel like shit. And I’m not even going to apologise for swearing. It feels like the only word that explains it right now. Worse than ‘I feel terrible’, ‘I am in pain’ or ‘I am…

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    Prayer Doodling Round Up

      Prayer Doodle by me! So as you may know I’ve been enjoying prayer doodling recently and now I discover it’s actually ‘a thing’! So here’s a bit of a round…

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    Mary Whitehouse Again…

    I wrote some time back that I wished Mary Whitehouse would rise from the grave and start campaigning against the moral standards of the day, as she once did. This morning…

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    Pic by Serge Melki via Wylio. A few days ago I sat on a train out of London. Not an unusual occurrence as I have to travel to college each week, but…

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    I woke up this morning feeling rather sorry for myself. I have back problems which have been playing up and was up most of last night either coughing or with back…