

So I think most of you know now that I have been diagnosed with CFS. It has its ups and downs. Sometimes I feel ok (and by ok, I mean really tired, but no symptoms of illness) other times I am totally exhausted beyond belief and feeling really ill. About a month ago I got a cold and it has lingered. This isn’t unusual as the one thing that has shown up in the endless tests I have had, is low white blood cells, so my immune system is not working at 100%. But it means that a little thing like a cold can wipe me out. I used to be the kind of person who didn’t like taking pills, hey even my kids haven’t had all their jabs, but these last few weeks I couldn’t have got through the day without stacks of nurofen, I am practically rattling…. Thankfully this week I feel much better and have gone 5 days with no pills 🙂

Mostly I am ok with it. It is not fun, but I can deal with it, with Gods help. But today I am feeling pretty lousy to be honest. I am feeling particularly tired which tends to be when I hit a low emotionally too. Some friends prayed for healing last night too, which was really cool and unexpected, but I guess it’s contributing to my lowness today, because obviously I am not healed…

Anyway, I was just sinking into feeling sorry for myself when I saw a post on my friends facebook about ME (her teenage daughter has ME)…(the vid below is a different one to the one she posted..) and I was reminded how thankful I am that it is not worse for me. At least I can carry on a reasonably normal life. Others are not so lucky. Others are confined to bed, need feeding tubes or in constant pain. sometimes for years. And all that with people saying their illness is psychological, it’s all in the mind… believe me, it isn’t.

So today I am thankful. Thankful that I am blessed in so many ways. That I have a beautiful family and wonderful, caring friends. I know God can heal me, I’m just not experiencing it yet.



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  • Reply
    November 4, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    So sorry you're feeling so very rough, red. It sounds nightmarish and I do sympathise. I know enough people who have, or have had, CFS/ME to know that it definitely isn't all in the mind. Hope you start to feel better soon.

  • Reply
    November 6, 2011 at 3:32 pm

    thanks Perpetua 🙂

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