If you’ve not heard of Heidi Baker, do google her. Her and her husband Rolland are missionaries and run Iris Ministries, based largely in Mozambique, a nation that God said he would give to Heidi in a prophetic word from a friend. They have been out there now since 1995 and during that time have planted some 10,000 churches, seen thousands of miracles, blind eyes opened, deaf ears hearing and countless more. Their story is quite simply amazing. If you want to know more there is an account here.
This January has seen the release of the film ‘Compelled by Love’ about the work of Heidi and Rolland in Mozambique, and many churches have been partnering with the charity to show the movie, which we did a few weeks ago. I knew of Heidi’s work so I was excited to see the movie but I wasn’t sure what to expect. Here’s a trailer to give you a bit of an idea….
The movie is unashamedly about Jesus, and his amazing love, and that is what we see through Heidi, that amazing love just gushing from her. You can’t help but be inspired by her. When you see her with children hanging off her, or hear of the things she has to live with, or hear of the hardships they have lived through, it’s hard not to be inspired. She even had a bounty put on her head at one point of just $20. $20?! I wouldn’t leave the house, I’d lock myself in a room and be in fear of my life. Not Heidi, no, she just carried on! And the thing about her is all she wants to do is talk about how amazing Jesus is. A friend of ours went out there recently and he said everyone who works out there is like that, they don’t want to talk about the miracles they have seen, just how amazing Jesus is.
The line Heidi repeats is ‘just stop for the one‘. Of course we can’t all be missionaries or set up orphanages or thousands of churches, and we are not all called to do that, but we can help the one. That’s the inspiration. I may not be able to go to the other side of the world, but there are those in need on my doorstep, there are those who need help right here. We can all help the one.
Love looks like something, she says. Well, in this movie, I love how the love of Jesus just shines out of Heidi. She shows what a life fully committed to Jesus can look like.
If you’ve not seen it, do! I guarantee it will change your mindset…
(and I have the movie on my mac now so I’m happy to host a screening for anyone who wants!)
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