
Pain, pain and more pain…

painkillersSo I’ve been looking at pain a bit recently as I’ve been suffering from a bad back, and I’ve asked a few people to do some guest posts on this. It’s such an important area of faith, learning to deal with pain and suffering, and how we relate that to our own faith. For many we don’t think about this issue until we are faced with it ourself, which then makes it hard to see with any clarity as we are affected by the pain we are in.

So, the plan is to publish these guest posts over the next few weeks when I’m likely to be more incapacitated than I am at the mo, as I have my back op. I hope it’s going to give some different viewpoints on pain and maybe be a conversation starter, so watch this space…


Here’s some other resources on pain and suffering too:

Article by Lee Strobel

Some thoughts from Jen Hatmaker

The Gift of Pain – book by Philip Yancey & Dr Paul Brand

Amazing story of Martin Pistorious

Pain: The Price of Compassion from @DigitalNun at iBenedictines

Talk on personal experience of stillbirth by our Vicar & his wife


My previous posts are here:

Beautiful Pain

Seeing God in the Pain

Some more thoughts on being in pain



I’m now including the guest post links here so they are all together:

Death & Resurrection by Stephen Canning

Even if he Never Tells me Why by Nigel Freestone

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