This week’s #Colour_Collective colour is Forest Green. This is my third week taking part and I have loved being part of it. It’s a great community and I have some fab new people to follow on Twitter too! Not only that but it’s a real encouragement, with people retweeting and commenting on your design. If you are at all creative (and and I believe we all are) why not give it a go? Check out the hashtag above on Twitter and look for the different colour each week. Then everyone posts on Friday evening at 7.30pm (UK time) with the same hashtag. It’s amazing the things people come up with!
As it’s God that has brought me back to being creative I’m making mine scripture or God focussed.
This week, with ‘forest green’ I couldn’t help but think of creation. So this is mine based on Genesis 1: 11-13. I used The Message version which says:
God spoke: “Earth, green up! Grow all varieties of seed-bearing plants, every sort of fruit-bearing tree.”
And there it was.
Earth produced green seed-bearing plants, all varieties, and fruit-bearing trees of all sorts.
God saw that it was good.
It was evening, it was morning— Day Three.Genesis 1:11-13 (MSG)
I actually just drew the whole thing in forest green and I couldn’t decide whether to leave it as is, or colour in, so here it is before – and all ready to be used as another colouring sheet – just a green one! And above is the coloured in version. Two for the price of one for this weeks #colour_collective !
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