Browsing Tag


  • Christianity

    Experiencing the holy

    Some people say a place can’t be holy. A thing can’t be holy. A building can’t carry the presence of God. That a room in my house isn’t more holy than…

  • Christianity

    Discovering Sabbath Rest

    I’ve been struggling in the last few weeks to find my rhythm. Having been in a wonderful place of resting in God for weeks on end, suddenly I have been dragged…

  • Christianity Sermons & Scripture


      Took this pic on my walk this morning. So lovely to be out in the fields again, funny how much we take for granted… I was reminded of this scripture…

  • Uncategorized

    Blog Celebration – 100,000 views!

    So it passed by without me really noticing that I have now had over 100,000 hits on my blog! WOW!! Can’t believe that I have ever really had anything that interesting to…

  • Uncategorized

    God is magic isn’t he…?

    So my youngest daughter, age 6, is slightly obsessed with fairy stories. These tend to have the same banal plot and unfortunately the current series seems to be infinite. I am increasingly…

  • Uncategorized

    Praising God

    So today I simply want to give glory to God… A few weeks ago I hurt my back. I have been seeing a chiropractor and thought it was improving. But last Sunday,…