Well another year draws to a close and I thought I’d look back at what’s appeared on the blog this year, so here’s a round up of the top ten posts of 2016 in terms of most viewed.
- Top Tips for Starting Vicar School – as quite a niche post I was rather surprised to see this at the top, with some advice for these entering ministerial training.
- Discernment Guide – less surprisingly though still quite niche, the guide was first published last year and in various chapters. It has advice for those going through the discernment process for selection to train for ministry in the Church of England (long winded sentence that one, rather like the process…).
- Dog Collar Dilemma – written in several parts, this was the first of them, looking at what it’s like wearing a dog collar as a woman.
- Chocolate Nativity Story – telling the nativity in Chocolate actually first appeared last Christmas but has obviously continued to be popular!
- Curate’s Journey – a new part of the blog this year, with various posts on life as a new Curate.
- Inked – Are tattoos ok? why the heck not?!
- Becoming a Revd – It actually happened!
- Marriage Motherhood and Ministry – probably the first of many posts on a similar theme, balancing being a Mum in ministry.
- What’s your Vocation? – this was actually a round up of posts looking at vocation as part of the C of E’s month long focus on the theme in Feb.
- Being different and being relevant – ‘in the world, not of the world’ how can we play this out
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