Christianity Prayer

More Prayer Doodling (& a bit of colouring)

LoveSo I tweeted a prayer doodle I had been doing (in black & white) and the lovely @thevicarswife suggested I copy it before colouring so that others could colour it in. Seemed like great idea so that’s what I’ve done. As I’m still pretty immobile the B&W version is not the greatest, but I’ve printed and coloured a version of it myself and it works ok (all whilst lying down no less!!)

So here it is. B&W version just for show (left) and a larger pale one below for printing and colouring. I hope it will be large enough res to copy and print but if you want a better version drop me a message and I can email it to anyone who wants it.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what love looks like and I love this passage in John 13. I mean if Jesus tells us to love as he loved – that’s pretty outrageous seeing as he died for us: ‘Love one another as I have loved you’ he said. So what does that look like for us today, there’s the question?


Colouring Sheet


Outrageous Love




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