Here’s the latest colouring sheet and with a meditation or some guidelines on how you could use it, or of course do your own thing!
What ?
This is one of my fave scriptures ever! Matthew 10:7-8
As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.
If we want to see more of God’s kingdom, then this is for us! But today I wanted to focus on the ‘freely’ bit.
This one is inspired by henna designs which I have been doing with my daughter recently!
Why ?
Everything we have comes from God and it is freely given to us. We so often take things for granted and I’ve found that myself recently with my failing health. Even just wanting a cup of tea meant weighing up how much pain I would be in and whether the need for tea outweighed that pain (well yes, of course it did, I mean it is tea, right?!).
But more than that, this passage shows us the abundance God gives us. Jesus tells his disciples here to do amazing things in his name – healing people, casting out demons, raising the dead even! And all this is only possible by the amazing gift He has given them, to become children of God, to carry His power, His love and His light within them. And what’s more it’s given for free! They didn’t have to do anything to earn it. So today’s meditation is to think about the blessings God has bestowed upon you, the abundances in your life and how you can share them more freely.
How ?
As with the last sheet, there’s lots of scope to make it your own and I really envisaged it being more of a prayerful experience so here’s my suggestions of how to do it.
1) Find a comfortable space to colour in.
2) Spend a few minutes just in prayer and giving the time to God, asking him to show you the blessings in your life.
3) Think/pray about how you want to start. Is each flower or pattern representing something in your life? an abundance or blessing God has given you?
4) Take time as you go, allowing God to lead you in your colouring. As you colour each section, be thankful for what God has given to you, offering it back to Him. You might find this is all you want to do, just creating something beautiful as a thank offering.
6) If you feel led to, ask God to reveal to you how you can share what He has given to you with those around you. He might highlight one thing you could do or one person to speak to.
7) Alternatively you might want to colour each section, or use one colour, to represent something you want to share, or one person you want to share it with. As you colour, lift them up to God and ask for His guidance in this.
8) One idea would be to colour the sheet in and then give it to someone else as a gift. Or print out a few copies and give them to friends. Freely you have received now freely give…
When you have finished, don’t rush off. Offer it back to God in prayer, a simple prayer is below for you to use or find your own words as you feel led.
Father God,
I thank you for being with me as I colour this sheet. I thank you for all you have given to me. You are the God of abundance and blessing, and I delight in the blessings you pour out on me. Help me Lord to give as you have given to me.
You are the God of creation and I thank you for this gift of creativity, enabling me to draw closer to you.
In Jesus name,
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