We really should talk about Christ in creation a lot more. The Bible tells us that Christ was there from the very beginning and that all things came into being through…
Readings: Psalm 19:1-6, Revelation 21:1-15, John 1:1-5Sermon for St Edward’s, 5 May 2024 Last week we covered up to chapter 16 of Revelation. Today we have the final part which takes…
Spoken word inspired by Sea Sunday… Sea Sunday She rolls in: grey, blue, turquoise; crests of white foam lapping at my feet, at the sandy slopes and pebbled mounds so steep.…
Mini sermon / Premier Christian Radio Listeners may remember I am an outdoorsy kind of person. I love a good hike up on the South Downs near where we live, or…
6o second sermon for BBC Radio Sussex. Based on Psalm 27 which I have been reflecting on a lot recently. I seek you. Only you. You are all I need. I seek you in…
Sermon from Sun 20 Feb 2022 St Edward’s, Burgess Hill. Readings: Revelation 4 / Psalm 65 / Genesis 2/ Luke 8:22-25 I don’t know about you but for me there is…
I’ve always loved the outdoors. Walks were a family thing, from the weekly stroll down the lane behind our house to the local duck feeding pond, to adventures up the Brecon…
This is a shorter version of my Ash Wednesday sermon from this week at TRINITY but it’s basically a manifesto for Lent 2020. Isaiah 58: 6-9 Is not this the fast that…
Preach / Eco theme / Genesis 1 / 29th Oct 2017 Given at TRINITY Church 9.30 22nd oct and 10 & 11.15 29th Oct, available to listen here ‘Title: And God…
This week’s #Colour_Collective colour is Forest Green. This is my third week taking part and I have loved being part of it. It’s a great community and I have some fab new…