Holy Week 2019 / #OurHolyWeek Holy Week is nearly upon us and as I have done the last few years I’ll be posting some daily refections but this year with a…
Holy Week
Christianity Church of England & Ministry Prayer Sermons & Scripture
Holy Week Reflection 7 // Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday – in the Grave Read: Luke 23:50-56 What, if anything, stands out to you? Listen: Stations of the Cross by Malcolm Guite 13 and 14 click on the numbers…
Good Friday – The Crucifixion Read: Mark 15:21-41 perhaps 2 or 3 times What, if anything, stands out to you? Imagine yourself in the text, at the foot of the cross,…
Christianity Church of England & Ministry Prayer Sermons & Scripture
Holy Week Reflection 5 // Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday – The Last Supper Read: Luke 22: 7-30 and/or John 13:1-17 What, if anything, stands out to you? Listen: Stations of the Cross by Malcolm Guite 9 and 10,…
Wednesday – Betrayal Read: John 13: 18-30, perhaps 2 or 3 times. What, if anything, stands out to you? How do you feel about Judas? Was he purely evil? Was…
Christianity Church of England & Ministry Prayer Sermons & Scripture
Holy Week Reflection 3 // Tuesday
Tuesday – The Greatest Commandment Read: Matthew 22: 34-40, perhaps 2 or 3 times. What, if anything, stands out to you? How important are these commandments to you in your life?…
Christianity Church of England & Ministry Prayer Sermons & Scripture
Holy Week Reflection 2 // Monday
Monday – Cleansing of the Temple Read: Mark 11: 15 – 19, perhaps 2 or 3 times. What, if anything, stands out to you? What are the things that make you…
For Holy week at my church, I have gathered a selection of resources and ideas to use as an aid to prayer or as a reflective tool, as we remember…