60 second ‘spoken word’ sermon from today on BBC Radio Sussex. This one has a nod to Tennyson and to Romans 15:13… An empty room, an unmade place, silence is deafening in…
Posted originally on Facebook but putting here too as it’s more widely readable… Some thoughts on free school meals… On social media today I’ve seen all kinds of personal opinion about…
Over recent months I’ve had a recurring conversation with different people who are finding life a bit tough at the mo. And when I say ‘a bit tough’ I mean everything…
Christianity Church of England & Ministry Slider
Life is like someone’s licked all the chocolate off my biscuit
For months I’ve been trying to work out how I’m feeling. Trying to rationalise and reflect on how I’m coping with ministry in the pandemic. I’ve read lots of opinion pieces…
Another guest post, this time from a local colleague, Rev’d Danny Pegg who writes about the relevance of Rogationtide in current circumstances… “You’re going to do something aren’t you? You’re the…
Maybe not always, but as much as possible, I’ve tried not to be negative on my blog. If I’m asked to review a book I’d rather just not post a review…
I had a rough few days last week – like many of us we’re facing difficult stuff and my emotions are all over the place. I like to be honest when…
It’s Good Friday. I find myself feeling sad this morning. It’s Holy Week. And yet this week I’ve barely had time to even recognise what day it is, let alone that…
I’ve put together reflections for Holy Week a few times and thought they might be useful to share in current circumstances, feel free to use them yourself or in your churches.…
I did these a few years back when I was confined to the house for a while, after surgery. If they can be of any use to anyone in this time…