Well it’s one year today since my first book was published! A week before we’d gathered with ministry mums – and a ministry dad – to celebrate, talk about the life…
women in ministry
This is a bit of a lengthy post so you might want to grab a cuppa or something and take a few mins out, it’s not the usual quick read… Having…
Ok I’m gonna level with you here, I know I might seem self-assured and secure but you know there are times when that whole confidence thing goes right out the window.…
#JustAPriest25 // 12th March 2019 // Press Release 12th March 2019 sees the 25th anniversary of the first ordinations of women to the priesthood in the Church of England. On the…
Church of England & Ministry Curate's Life Ministry Mum
‘Top Tips’ for clergy work-life balance in families…
Following on from yesterday’s look at working hours and balance of family life, here’s some top tips as gleaned from other Clergy Mums. And as with yesterday I feel I should say…
Church of England & Ministry Curate's Life Ministry Mum Sermons & Scripture
More on Marriage, Motherhood & Ministry // The guilt factor
Ok so this one isn’t just about being in ministry, I think it’s common for many Mums, and probably Dads too, but why do we, as working Mums, feel so…
Church of England & Ministry Curate's Life
Dog Collar Dilemma Pt 3 // guest post by Revd Sandra Sykes
Continuing the theme of dog collars and women in ministry, I’m delighted that Revd. Sandra Sykes from ‘Collared’ is guest posting on her own experiences and why she started ‘Collared’ …o0O0o……
Christianity Church of England & Ministry Curate's Life
Dog Collar Dilemma Part 2: Uniform vs Individual Style
So continuing in looking at the dilemma of how to wear your dog collar, as a woman, this post is going to look at being you. And I guess the first…
Christianity Church of England & Ministry Curate's Life
Dog Collar Dilemma: women’s clericals – what on earth to wear?!
As a #NewRev and as a woman, I have been experimenting with how to wear the collar. Before ordination it was, to be honest, a bit of a blur, I mean…